Crash Team Racing

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Set after Uncharted 4.
Sam, Nate, Elena, Reader


"Hey, you coming over tonight?" It had been the second time Elena had called today insisting I come by her's tonight. I suppose it had been a while since we both caught up. We had know each other since college. A fanatic of journalism just like myself. Plus it had been a month since the whole Avery experience.

Next she informs me that Sam Drake was going too. This guy who I've only encountered once and I've only the bare minimum about. I had met him a few weeks ago, the night I was working my bar shift. He was accompanied alongside Nate when they had reunited after their adventure. We had talked together most of the night about it, thankfully the bar was quiet that night, so I didn't get fired for chatting on shift. Sam seemed to be the flirtatious type and tried any way he could to get scarlet to tint my cheeks. Nate been drunk as a skunk at that point and had snoozed off when Sam saw his opportunity to shoot a shot.

"For the millionth time Elena of course!" I answered, walking into my room and pulling out a few possible outfits to wear. Man, my wardrobe was a total mess again.
"Good, cause Nates been begging me to play him at Crash Bandicoot again"
I freeze at her words, "hold up, he started playing Crash Bandicoot? Are you joking?" I began laughing since Nate was always the one to not understand video games at all! He said they were too complex. Yet, he could solve the most difficult historic puzzle just like that.
"Yep! Or the "TV game thing" as he likes to call it" she had now erupted into laughter herself on the other line. "So I think that's what the evening is going to consist of" she finished, trying to contain her giggles.
"Well I'm bringing over Crash Team Racing then" I proudly suggested. Given I had just picked up the game a few weeks ago and was getting into it way too quickly. I had always wanted a little race cup with the guys so this was perfect.
"Oh my god please do! We can double team against the boys" she giggled, her voice soon disappearing off the line and been replaced by the man on topic.
"Hey what are you saying about me (Y/N)?" Nate's curious voice pitched in as I huffed a laugh.
"Just how me and Elena are gonna wreck you and Sam up in Crash Team Racing"
"Is that so? Well my hand eye is better than ever so you guys are the ones who's gonna lose!" I just started smiling at how competitive he was getting. "Are you scared to play us? On a scale of 1-10 how scared are you?"
"Like a three" I answered between laughs.
"Yeah... Well, jack that up to, like, 11 cause we're coming for you" he challenged soon returning the phone to Elena again.
"Wow" I smirked.
"So that's our night" Elena shook her head on the other end looking at Nate placing a few beers into the fridge and shooting her a grinning smile.
"Heh, it'll be fun though. Look I gotta go. I''ll see you guys soon okay. 8 right?"
"Uh, yeah, that sounds perfect we'll see you then! Bye" and the line cut dead.

I arrived at their house with a 6 bottle carrier of beer and Crash Team Racing which Nate seemed determined to play when I had shown it to him. He practically snatched it out of my hands. Sam hadn't arrived yet so me and Elena began setting up the game and the two extra controllers. The doorbell chimed a few moments later and Nate had already disappeared from the room to answer it. The two boys entered the room and Sam was quick to shoot a charming smile at the sight of me.
"Hey Elena" Sam smiled walking up to her and giving her a tight hug.
"Hey Sam" she returned the gesture soon pulling away and turning to me.
"I'm sure you've met (Y/N)" I smiled awkwardly and he outstretched his arms to me.
"Cmon, bring it in" he came approaching me like a tower and encasing me in a tight hug. I had to get on my tiptoes just to properly hug him.
"Good to see you again"
"Same beautiful" he whispered in my ear causing my face to almost flush red. This guy really loved charming and I desperately tried to not let him notice it had slightly worked.

"So you girls ready to lose?" Nathan chimed in handing me and Sam a bottle of beer.
"Nathan I think we're the ones who's gonna lose considering you can barely use a controller" Sam quickly bemoaning his brothers controller skills as he fell into the left side of the sofa, the beer been sipped generously.
"Trust me I've gotten better and they're just tryna hide how scared they are" Nate insisted handing Sam a controller and sitting down in the right side of the sofa with me and Elena sitting in between both of them. Elena and I looked to each other, both eyes rolling.
"Yeah, you guys are not gonna catch up to moi, I'm a pro at this" Sam decided to join Nates smack talk now pointing his controller at us to emphasis his point.
"You guys are ridiculous" I laughed shaking my head and choosing my character.
"Whoa hey hey! Thats who I always pick!" Sam choking on his beer the second I had chosen Pinstripe.
"You snooze, you lose" I teased sipping my drink and poking his shoulder.
"Oh it's so on now!" he smirked playfully swatting my hand away and choosing Tiny. Elena chose Coco whilst Nate was left trying to figure out who to pick.
"C'mon little brother, you're wasting valuable winning time"
"Who's the best?" he complained highlighting over almost every character. "I don't even know half these people"
"Just pick Crash!" Elena laughed pointing at the screen.
"Okay what do you press"
"Oh my god Nathan we are gonna lose for sure" Sam sighed covering his face in both hands.

The night raced on with everyone, including myself, yelling at the screen. Well, mainly Sam yelling at Nate to drive better and keep up with him whilst me and Elena won almost every race.
"You are the worst driver in the world of Crash, Nathan!" Sam throwing his controller to the floor as too did Nathan.
"C'mon, I wasn't that bad" Nate shrugged hugging his arm around Elena.
"Nathan you couldn't even stay on the road for 5 minutes without dying" Sam said grabbing his beer from the coffee table.
"Cmon these two kept hitting me with rockets and those glass things!" pointing his words to both me and Elena who couldn't keep straight faces at their sore loser behaviour.
"Look we are having a rematch and next time I'm teaming with (Y/N) cause she's the best out of all of us" Sam huffed hugging his arm around me. "What do you say?" his eyes boring into mine as his signature smirk curled his lips.
"Sure, why not" I smile in return as Elena hits me with her foot. "Sam likes (Y/N)" she sings in a teasingly creeping blush to my cheeks and Nate to chuckle at her possible tipsy state.


First chapter cause I loved the little Crash scene in U4 and the Crash Bandicoot franchise too specially CTR cause it's my childhood :3


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