I'm like the grinch

Start from the beginning

"Want to be together?" I asked Adam.

"Okay." Adam agreed. We quickly ran towards Eugene's and Elsa's table.

"Hey there partners!" I greeted as I dragged Adam along.

"Hey Adam." Eugene greeted.

"Alright, I'll write, Elsa, you read the questions, and you boys will say your answers." I instructed.

"What? We were not smart!" Eugene protested.

"I know you aren't, but I think Adam is." I teased.

"Well gee, that really boosted my confidence level." Eugene sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"I know, I'm a great pep talker. Now get to work." I commanded.

"Alright, what is carbon's atomic number?" Elsa read.

"Umm, four?" Eugene asked.

"No. Try looking at a periodic table." I replied. The boys quickly opened their books and searched for carbon.

"Six!" Eugene yelled. Everyone turned and looked at him. "It's the answer to number one." Eugene whispered to them. Most girls giggled and turned back to their papers. Others just shrugged their shoulders and went back to work.

"Could you have been any louder?" Elsa asked.

"Yes! Wait. No!" Adam and Eugene stuttered.

"That wasn't a question." I giggled as I face palmed.

"Right. We knew that. Right, Eugene?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. We were just testing to see if you knew that." Eugene added.

"Sureee. What compounds can carbon make?" Elsa read.

"Diamond?" Eugene asked, waiting for one of us to yell at him.

"Correct. And?" I asked.

"Yes! Wait. You're not lying to me right?" Eugene asked, searching my face to make sure I wasn't lying.

"Of course not!" I laughed.

"I got one! Graphite!" Adam cheered.

"Yes!" Elsa cheered. "What's lighter? Helium or hydrogen?" Elsa asked.

"Oh that's easy, hydrogen." Eugene chuckled.

"How did you know that? Are you reading these off of someone's page?" I asked.

"One, that's the only one I actually understand. Two, ouch. Why would you think I would cheat?" Eugene laughed.

"You never know." I smirked.

"Next question! Name an alkaline earth metal." Elsa read.

"Silver!" Adam shouted.

"No." Elsa and I replied.

"Gold!" Eugene tried.

"No. Look at the table." Elsa said. They quickly looked through their books.

"Calcium? That's not a metal!" Adam exclaimed.

"Yeah! That's in our bones!" Eugene added.

"Well, it's on there." Elsa answered as I wrote it on the paper. Eventually we finished the assignment and still had a couple minutes left.

"Sooo, Elsa. Are you going to watch state?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. I'm not a big sports fan." Elsa blushed.

"You don't have to be a sports fan to watch state. You just have to be a fan." Adam replied.

"Yeah. You just need to have team spirit. Besides, I can't even remember the last time we won state, so this is a big deal." Eugene added.

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