Chapter 10 - Meeting Kalel

Start from the beginning

"Not that way!" He yelled. "What he means is... ahh well..."he started to explain.

"I meant he was probably going to look at the only pictures he has left of his sister" I finished for him knowing Ian was pretty sensitive about this topic.

"Ooh okay that makes more sense." She breathed a sigh of relief. "Lets go edit then." She smiled and started to skip off. As she went by me she grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room.

"Jeez! You're really this excited about editing?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I love editing. Then again I don’t have a lot to do... but still" she shrugged.

"You are just as happy and peppy as you are in your videos." I told her opening my door with a happy sigh. "And stronger then I thought" I mumbled.

"Heh, yeah.. Quite aware, don’t remind me..." She said looking embarrassed.

I laughed. "Good to know the guys are holding there stand as the greater gender." I said sarcastically.

"Yup totally." She smiled. I pulled up the editing program and started editing.


Emeralds POV

It was so hard to focus. 'I cannot believe Toby kissed me on the cheek!!' I thought. I ended up just watching Anthony edit. It was quite amazing at how fast he worked. I saw a pen on his desk and started doodling on my hand like I use to do in history and Spanish.

After awhile Anthony noticed what I was doing. "What are you doing?"

"Doodling. Why?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and looked at it. His eyes went wide in what I was assuming amazement. He turned my hand around to show me what I had drawn.

"THAT, is not doodling. THAT, is art" he said putting a lot of emphasis on 'that'. I shrugged it was just a replica of the GameTime with Smosh logo.

"I do that all the time. I call it doodling." I replied calmly with a shrug of my shoulders. He sighed.

"Anthony!!" a female voice called from somewhere in the house.

"I'm in my room!" he hollered back,

Soon a girl with green hair and purple highlights walked in and froze. I recognized her as Kalel, Anthony's girlfriend."Hi!" I said as cheerfully as possible. I was sooo jealous of her. She just glared at me and looked back at Anthony. 'Well wasn’t that a slap to the face?' I thought.

"Who’s she?" she asked bitterly.

"Shes the girl who helped Ian and I get subscribers. And her name is Emerald." Anthony said as calm as ever. I stared at him in amazement. I haven’t known this chick five minutes and I already wanted to punch her in the face because of her bitter attitude.

"You never mentioned the person who helped was a girl." she was getting angry.

"That doesn’t matter. Male or female she helped us. And its only fair to repay her." he said still calm. I hated how they were talking like I wasn’t even in the room. And me being me decided that I should enter this conversation/argument.

"Look Kalel, right? I know your jealous, and trust me I know the look." I said remembering all the looks I got from girls back at home. "But I'm 18 I'm not going to try and take Anthony away from you. I'm not like that. And besides I have a boyfriend back home." I explained, my English accent sneaking in because I was just a tad bit nervous.

Kalel shot daggers at me. Anthony gave me a sad look that seemed to say 'you shouldn’t have said anything.' "What? What?!" she yelled "I don’t care what you have to say! Boyfriend or not yourself I don’t want you to be here bitch!"

'Oh no she didn’t.She didn’t not just call me a bitch. It's on now.' I thought angrily. I saw Anthony face palm in the side of my vision. I shot out of my chair. "You did not just call me bitch." I said in a low menacing voice.

"Oh I think I did." was all she said, with a smile on her face.

"I can take it from my dad, but from you? I don’t thi-" I was cut off by Kalel trying to punch me. Luckily I was use to dodging my father, so I immediately ducked when I saw her draw her fist. "OHH!Whatcha gonna do?!" I yelled getting back up and kneeing her in the stomach, just enough to push her back so I could get up safely. When she went to retaliate, I blocked her kick. She then tried to punch me again. I grabbed her wrist right before her fist came in contact with my face. The look she had was amazed but nervous at the same time. "No one calls me bitch for no reason and doesn’t pay.."I whispered before I shoved her so she hit the wall. “But because I'm a guest here, I wont hurt you.”

Anthony's POV

SHIT!! What the hell did I just watch? I got up to go get Kalel off the floor, she was still conscience, just a bit dazed. "I didn’t get her knee her hard enough to do any serious damage. Not even enough to bruise." she explained, still standing over Kalel. “I'm sorry Anthony...” she added shamefully.

"Anthony? Why didn't you do anything?!" she yelled at me, clearly recovering quickly.

"I can't Hurt a Girl! Especially a minor!” I yelled back now losing my temper. I'd had it up to here with her jealousy.

"God I am leaving!" she yelled getting up. "Anthony call me when SHE'S not here. And you!" she said pointing at Emerald who looked like she could pass out any second."I'm not done with you!"

Emerald just laughed a low laugh. "And you think you can get a hand on me?"

"Uhhh, yeah" she replied sounding a bit unsure then left.

A.N: AHHHHH DONT HATE ME!!!! i know kalels not really a mean person and she and anthony are really cute together!! (tho i am a bit jealous of her) i just needed so drama! this was getting so boreing!!! also i have another book that i have written up in a notebook thats a smosh fanfic. let me know if you think i should put it on here. im so excited tho!! im starting to get to the part that i had built up in my brain that made my want to write this! CAN WAIT!! AHHH :D hope you enjoyed this. i luv you!! rate it up comment what you think! PEACE OFF!!


New Authors Note: Yup... I actually bawled my eyes out when Anthony proposed to Kalel. Like i was like... "THIS IS SOO FRIGGEN CUTE!!! OMG!! Ian.... its you're turn now.... its been 7 years with Melanie.." Please coment babes.. I wanna know what you think... like i know a lot of youy liked the first verion... But it makes me feel happy inside when you comment about it and voting on it. c: Soo yeah...

Don't go crazy while I'm gone

~Browniebuscus <3

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