"I don't know." Elsa mumbled

"Well, it doesn't matter. This note is wrong and I know it. Every single word on this note is a lie." I yelled as I ripped it into shreds. I stomped it into the ground.

"How do you know? How do you know that they aren't telling the truth?" Elsa asked.

"I know because all day, everyone has been spreading lies. I've seen them written on my locker. I've seen them written on Eugene's locker. They were saying this to make you doubt yourself. They were saying this to put themselves up." I answered.

"Really?" Elsa sniffed.

"I'm dead serious. Don't let some lie that someone wrote on your locker get you down." I replied.

"Thanks Punzie. That makes me feel a thousand times better." Elsa giggled.

"That's the smiley Elsa I know and love! If you ever need more cheering up, come to the fountain of sunshine." I smiled.

"Okay Punzie." Elsa laughed.

"Well, I should be getting home. See you around!" I smiled as I walked away.

"Bye Rapunzel!" Elsa waved. I walked back to my car and hopped inside. I drove home and ran inside.

"Hey Pascal." I panted. He looked at me confused. "Sorry, I'm out of shape." I giggled. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a snack. I quickly ate my snack and worked on my homework. Eventually, I heard the door open. I looked towards the door and saw mom walking in carrying her folders. "Hey mom." I greeted.

"Hey Rapunzel. When are you going to the orphanage?" Mom asked.

"I'm going with Eugene after he gets done with practice." I answered.

"Okay, but the orphanage closes around 8." Mom replied.

"Don't worry, he'll be here soon." I smiled. Soon, we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Mom yelled from the laundry room.

"Hey!" Eugene greeted as he shut the door.

"You can use my shower. Towels are in the bottom left drawer." I replied.

"Alright, be down in a couple minutes." Eugene yelled as he ran up the stairs. I packed up my homework and went to my room. After a while, I heard the shower turn off. Soon, I saw Eugene dressed with wet, messy hair. "Alright, let's go." Eugene said.

"Fix your hair." I laughed.

"Oops, right." Eugene chuckled. He ran into the bathroom and combed his hair. "Ya know, you should have warned me about you only having flower shampoo." Eugene said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Oops." I smiled. Eugene slid down the railing as I ran down the stairs. Mom walked around the corner, almost running into us.

"Eugene, no sliding down the railing." Mom scolded.

"Sorry." Eugene laughed. We quickly grabbed our things and headed towards the door.

"Bye mom!" I yelled as I shut the door.

"So, what car are we taking?" Eugene asked.

"Mine. I doubt you know the way." I teased.

"Well now I'll learn." Eugene smirked. We drove around town and eventually found the orphanage. "Seems like you didn't know where it was either." Eugene smiled.

"Shut up. At least I got us here." I laughed. We walked up to the doors and looked at each other. "Well. Get ready for torture." I whispered as I knocked on the door. A lady carrying a crying baby answered the door.

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