The kitchen was beyond clean. The counters shined in what little sunlight made it through the windows. I was scared to touch anything, for fear of adding the slightest bit of dirt to what had no doubt taken her most the night.

Heading back to the table, I started pressuring her for answers about her look. She kept laughing them off, and countering  with a few pointless questions of her own. Finally giving in and accepting I wasn't getting any answers, I headed back upstairs to grab my backpack, but looked around the room once more before leaving.

I was happy with my work, and smiled at all the posters. Figuring I should make my bed, I took care of that as quickly as I could, then dealt with my clothes I had just left sitting on the dresser. After doing one last look through and smiling once again, I grabbed my backpack, then headed off down the stairs and outside to my car.

I knew today was going to suck, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling anxious throughout the day. I knew my aunt was planning something, and I always loved her surprises, no matter what they were. After searching my backpack over and over, I finally gave up and admitted I had lost my map, and tried to find my first period class on my own.

Twenty minutes later, I finally walked through the doors and took my seat, unfortunately, next to him. Grabbing out a pen and some paper, I began to doodle on my page, in a sad effort to keep me awake. It worked for the most part, and managed to keep me awake till lunch, but I didn't hear a word any of the teacher's had said.

Taking off to the nearest gas station, I bought two energy drinks in an effort to further keep me awake, I chugged them down as quickly as I could, then thought about what would happen if I did pass out in class. Visions of my nightmare shot through my head making me head back to the store and buy another one, just in case.

"I don't need myself screaming in front of everyone." I mumbled, heading back to my car.

By the time I got to my door, I jumped and turned around as a familiar voice flowed through my ears.

"So hows everyone at school treating you?"

Her voice was softer than the last time I had heard it, more serene and calming. Turning around, Clair came into my line of sight, smiling, and staring.

"Uh, not bad." I stuttered, trying to get the words out. "I haven't really talked to any of them, though."

"You should. The people here have been talking about you since you got here. I would however, stay away from Lauren."

She must have guessed I had no idea who she was talking about cause she followed it quickly with another statement.

"The blonde chick who tried to hit on you."

Visions of what happen the first day over took me, as I remembered who she was talking about. My memories of Lauren however, were quickly over shadowed Tucker, who managed to fight his way back into my head.

His smile pictured perfectly in my head, haunted my entire conversation with Clair, blocking out most of what she had said. That's one thing I've always hated about my memory. I could picture things I had seen so clearly, like they were happening right in front of me, but I couldn't remember anything about my past. She asked for a ride back to school, because her boyfriend, Paul, wasn't anywhere to be found. After telling her yes, I watched as she walked around my car to the passenger side, and got in.

She walked just as gracefully as the first time I'd seen her, but her clothes were completely different. Wearing a small shirt that barely covered her stomach, and a deep red skirt that showed off her legs, I imagined just about every guy at the school had to of hit on her today. As we pulled into the parking lot of the school, she turned to me before getting out and said something that sent my mind racing.

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now