Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance)

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*Aiden's POV*

Everyone has a story to tell.

Everyone has something in their life worth sharing.

Stories of happiness, stories of sorrow.

And they all fall back on someones memories.

This is my life, and these are my memories, as best I can recall.

I lived a pretty normal life, full of its own comings and goings, just like everyone else.

Of course, there were a few, "minor" differences from others.

For example, I have premonition ability, to see what's going to happen, before it really does.

But instead of boring you with the "minor" details, how about I just go to the beginning?

The day my powers finally made an appearance. The day I lost everything.

The echo from the tires scraping across the ground danced throughout my ears as the screams from my loved ones around me, added to the sound.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact while visions of pain flowed through my head, threatening to overtake me.

"Are you okay, Aiden?"

I opened my eyes and followed the voice to the front seat.

Turning my head from side to side, I looked around the car, trying to figure out what had just transpired.

I could hear more people asking me if I was okay, if something was wrong, but the sound of tires squealing managed to drown them out.

My eyes shot across the car until they finally met my mothers, who smiled softly, then asked if I was okay.

I tried to answer, I tried to make words form, but nothing came out.

The noise was getting louder and louder so I brought my hands to my ears, trying to block it all out.

"I think he's had his first sight." My mom said, turning to face my dad.

His laughter boomed throughout the car, shaking the very chairs we sat in.

"Alright! That's my boy! Come on, tell what happened, what did you see?"

"Try to keep your eyes on the road please? I already don't like this weather."

Following the familiar voice, I turned my head to the right and saw a boy whose name I couldn't quite remember, and someone I assumed to be his mother.

We'd all been planning this trip for quite some time, and since my dad had finally gotten his vacation, we loaded up the car and headed off for the mountains.

I'd known them all my life. Though, I was only six, we grew up next to each other so I saw them often.

"Its only snow Mel. Now, tell me son, what was your vision?"

The ringing in my ears seemed to get louder and louder with every word he spoke.

I knew we were going to crash, and I tried to warn them, but I couldn't speak.

Rubbing my head, I tried to force the noise away to no avail.

"Honey, put your seat belt back on."

Looking down, I saw that mine was still on and despite the sounds in my ears, I could feel her gaze on me. I moved my eyes to her's, and shook my head when she asked if I was okay.

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن