Cobalt and carbon

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"At first I thought you were going to pick Elsa." Eugene chuckled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're a girl, she's a girl. I just figured." Eugene smiled.

"Well I picked you. Besides, I actually know the difference between cobalt and carbon." I giggled. We studied for a while, but became bored.

"So, what did your mom say?" Eugene asked as he messed with his pencil.

"That we'll deal with it at home." I grumbled.

"If I know Regina, and I do, she won't be that hard on you." Eugene said.

"I hope, this isn't like when you were little and you colored on the walls. This is so much more. She didn't even believe I was involved in a fight." I said.

"You haven't done anything bad since you were, what? 10?" Eugene asked.

"More like 7. But still." I argued.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Eugene asked.

"She could ban me from seeing my friends for the rest of my life. She'll probably lock me in a tower away from the world." I joked.

"Really? Now you're over exaggerating." Eugene laughed.

"Did you hear about my punishment from Mr. Walt?" I asked.

"No, what do you have to do? Write an apology letter?" Eugene teased.

"No, I have to help the janitors clean for three days." I whined.

"Well that stinks. At least you don't have practice tonight." Eugene replied.

"At least I didn't get Tonya's punishment. My mother would kill me if I got her punishment." I said.

"What does she have to do?" Eugene asked. I leaned in so only he could hear me.

"She's been expelled." I whispered.

"What?!" Eugene exclaimed.

"Quiet Mr. Fitzherbert." Mr. Johnson scolded.

"Sorry." Eugene replied. "What?" Eugene whispered.

"Yeah, for three days." I replied.

"Why? I didn't think it was that bad." Eugene said.

"Neither did I, but Mr. Walt said that they have no violence policy." I replied.

"Well, I guess you came out lucky. Except for the fact that you got a black eye." Eugene said.

"No kidding." I replied.

*Elsa's POV*
News spread like a wildfire in a field of tall, dry grass. Everyone heard about Rapunzel and Tonya fighting. I've heard plenty of rumors about her and Jack. I was planning on talking to Rapunzel about it during lunch, but I'm not sure if she wants there. I mean, I went to her house on Friday and we hung out with them all night, but that doesn't mean that they would want to be in a public place with losers like us. As I was headed towards the lunchroom, I saw her trying to catch up with the boys. "Rapunzel!" I called, surprised at my own voice. Many people turned around and looked me. They knew I was shy and quiet, but Rapunzel was popular and the hot topic of the gossip. Why would she talk to me?

"Oh, hey Elsa!" Rapunzel smiled.

"Can I ask you something at lunch?" I asked. I knew everyone was listening, even though they acted like they weren't.

"Sure, you guys can come sit with me and the boys today if you want." Rapunzel smiled as she ran to the boys.

"Why are they hanging out with losers?" One girl whispered.

"I don't know. I'm guessing that their desperate for someone to believe them." Another girl answered.

"Wow, they've really sunk low." One responded.

"I heard that Jack is up for grabs now!" One girl cheered.

"No he's not. Didn't you hear that Rapunzel and him have a thing?" One answered her.

"I heard that Eugene was open though!" Someone else yelled.

"Ooo, I'm totally falling for him." One awed.

"Jack is pretty cute too." A different one replied.

"Let's not forget about Kristoff. He's so strong!" One said, joining in on their conversation.

"They're all so hot." The first one squealed.

"Dude, I can't believe Rapunzel beat the shit out of Tonya." One guy said.

"I know. I like a girl who can defend for herself and is hot." His friend answered.

"Too bad Jack's after her." Someone said.

"I actually heard Eugene and her have a thing." A guy replied. Wow, guys know more facts than girls. That's a first.

"Really? Makes sense why I always see them together." Someone else said. After a while. I got sick of listening to them jabber about everyone. Finally, we got our lunch and went to sit by Rapunzel.

"Hey guys!" Rapunzel smiled.

"God you look awful." Merida blabbed.

"Well aren't you good at cheering people up." Eugene replied.

"It's okay, I already know." Rapunzel said. We sat down, unsure where to sit. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Rapunzel asked.

"The rumors." I replied.

"Okay, spill them out. What have people been saying?" Rapunzel asked.

"I heard one about you slamming Tonya's face in a locker." Merida said.

"Not true." Rapunzel said.

"That Tonya was trying to steal Kristoff so you stole Jack." Hiccup said.

"Definitely not true." Rapunzel shuttered.

"That Tonya punched you first." Jack added.

"That's actually true." Rapunzel said.

"That Jack and you hooked up numerous times while he was dating Tonya." I said.

"Yuck! Definitely not true!" Rapunzel said.

"That I only saved you for my reputation." Eugene smirked.

"As if. You pulled me out of there because you knew I would kill her." Rapunzel laughed.

"Maybe." Eugene smirked as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I heard that you attacked her because she was right." Kristoff laughed.

"Yeah, totally. She was soo right." Rapunzel said sarcastically. Eventually, we finished eating and went to our next class. Soon, school was over and I watched Rapunzel go into the janitors closet. I followed her, unsure of what she was doing. I opened the door as she walked out. "Ahh! Elsa, you scared the crap out of me!" Rapunzel yelled.

"Sorry. What were you doing in the janitors closet?" I asked.

"I have to help them clean the school for three days. Woohoo." Rapunzel sarcastically cheered.

"Oh, well have fun with that." I smiled.

"I won't." Rapunzel grumbled as I walked out the school doors.

Thanks for reading! Do you think I'm swearing too much? Still hope you enjoyed!

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