"Oh..um..that sounds wonderful, sir." I sitffled my laughter as Lily imitated Slughorn behind his back.

"You're to bring a guest. Miss Evans, you'd be welcome too," he said turning to face Lily who immediately started coughing to cover up what she'd been doing.

"T-thank you professor," she choked out, still coughing.

He beamed at us when we left the classroom. I burst into peals of laughter out in the hallway. "You should have seen your face!" Lily glared at me while I was doubled over in laughter.

"Hmph, you should talk. That sounds wonderful sir," she said mocking me, "Could you have been more of a kiss up?"

"Of course, I could have said 'Oh my gosh, I can't belive you just invited me to your party, professor! I'd LOVE to come'," I said this while jumping up and down squealing. Lily just stared at me, causing me to burst into laughter again.

"You're so weird, Cory," she said shaking her head at me.

"You know you love me," I said in a sing-song voice as we walked into the Great Hall. Lessons had finished for the day, so we headed over to where us girls normally sat at the table. "Hey, Marls," I said, sitting down across from her, "How was Ancient Runes?"

"Horrible. Professor Clark gave us a thirteen inch essay and it's due Monday!" she exclaimed.

Lily gave her a sympathetic look, while I just laughed, "Sucks for you. You should've taken Care of Magical Creatures with me instead."

"Why? So you wouldn't be alone with Sirius the whole time?" Marlene asked, smirking at me.

I grimaced, "Don't get me started on how annoying he is." You see, Black was in every single one of my classes, unfortunately. So, being the obnoxious jerk he is, he just has to either sit beside me or behind me in all the classes, just so he can annoy me further.

"What'd he do this time?" Alice asked.

"He kept kicking my chair in Potions so I couldn't concentrate, and in Transfiguration he kept throwing paper at me. And you don't want to know what he did in Charms!"

"Lily, tell us," Mary commanded when I kept my mouth shut.

Lily rolled her eyes and proceeded to explain what he was doing during that particular class. "So, I came into class a little early, and Cory still wasn't there. Potter and Black walked in before her, so naturally, Potter took the seat I was saving for her, which meant Cory had to sit next to Black."

I grimaced as the girls laughed at me, "It's not funny! He kept on asking me out and trying to kiss my cheek! That is, until James stopped him." Marlene waggled her eyebrows at Lily who glowered at the rest of us.

"Just because Potter did one nice thing, doesn't mean he's changed."

"Actually, Lily, James was the one who stopped Black from bugging me in every class."

Sirius P.O.V.

"Ah, Prongs, wasn't Potion class absolutely wonderful?" I asked him grinning.

James shrugged at me, "It may have been for you, but it certaintly wasn't for Cory. Why do you always have to bug her like that?"

"Because she's obviously in love with me, so of course I have to bestow some of my attentions on her." Remus rolled his eyes at me and pushed the doors open to the Great Hall. "Looks like there's a spot open next to Daniels, smell ya later," I called over my shoulder.

I heard James ask behind me, "Smell you later?"

"Just don't ask," Remus sighed, following me.

"Hello, my fair maiden," I said, throwing an arm around Courtney's shoulders.

A 'Sirius' Kind of Love (A Sirius Black Love Story) NO LONGER TERMINATEDWhere stories live. Discover now