The Beta's Mate Ch.24

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Caleb's forehead crinkled as he allowed the material to unravel revealing a red dress. Jenna was smiling triumphantly while the rest of us looked on confused, except Caleb he appeared to get where she was going with the dress before anyone else, "No way! Is that's why you asked me if I liked it, you want me to wear it?" That got the whole group laughing again, my sides were hurting, Jenna sure knew how to make us laugh.

"Yes no if you don't do as I say your group will be penalized, the Battle of the Sexes start now!" She announces and all the girls including myself are surrounding Caleb begging him to just put the dress on and that it really wasn't a big deal. The rest of the guys, along with Jenna watched on in amusement.

"Come on Caleb, it's so small it will probably be just like a shirt on you anyways." I tried to reason with him, our final attempt before we were going to give into the penalty. His eyes met my pleading gaze before dropping his head back and sighing in exasperation.

"Okay fine just get it over with quickly." He allowed and I was instantly pulling off his shirt.

                "Man I thought we'd be in a different situation the first time I ripped off your shirt," I smirked with a wink and he silently returned my smile as Mandy and Nora started shoving the dress over his head and onto his body. 

                Moments later I realized I was right, the dress reached just under his butt was stretched so tight against his body I don't think you could fit a coin between the material and his skin. I'll give Caleb props though, as soon as we had the dress on him he rocked it with no shame even giving us a short modeling session before he was allowed to remove it and we were given ten minutes create strategic plan of action.

                Our plan to defend or attack the Golden Envelope was to match with a play of the opposite team. I had to keep my eye on Mark, where ever he went I went, unless no one was paying attention to me then I was to sneak off to the living room as all the other girls were supposed to do if they were not being watched. No person had an advantage with the Golden Envelope, no one had found their mate to be able to sense them leaving, except for Caleb and I, but he was on my team. Our team also decided to put our phones on vibrate for silent, subtle and emergency communication.

                 "Okay the first task is in the basement." Jenna announced leading us towards the basement. The guys were already one the attack to get the envelope, Jon head attempted to nonchalantly return to the living room where he "forgot" his phone, luckily Nora was on alert and offered to go with him to look and suddenly his phone was magically in his pocket.

                We made it to the basement without penalization and gazed at what appeared to be a Twister mat laid out on the floor. "This is going to be a game of Twister," Jenna announced holding up the spinner, "...with a twist. This is Paint Twister." And to emphasize her game she bent down and picked up what appeared to be a jug of red paint before pouring it on a red dot, I then realized each dot had a glob of paint in the coordinating colour placed upon it. "Now I know we all wore nice clothes so I am providing t-shirts and shorts for each player." She handed each team a bag of clothes and sent us to change.


                "Right hand on red," Jenna declared, as April, Kyle and Henry and Georgia all struggled to reach the closest and easiest red dot. April was the first to slip causing a chain reaction knocking over Kyle who accidently sat on Georgia. Henry rose from his tangled spot paint all over him and raised his arms in the air in victory, little did the celebrating guys know we had just sent Keri and Mandy to retrieve the envelope.

                It didn't take them long though to realise something was off, once they did realise what was going on they charged from the room and the girls struggled after them, yelling for Keri and Mandy to run! They didn't hear us calling them and were not fast enough by the time Jon spotted them.

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