The Beta's Mate Ch.18

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Physics came into play as the car’s forward motion was stopped by the retaining wall and my head was first to come into contact with the steering wheel of my Ferrari , followed by my chest, knock the breath from my lungs. The car began to flip after impact with the wall, it all happened so fast I couldn’t tell you how many times it turned over on itself until it came to a rest.

                An annoying buzzing sound was ringing in my ears, I wanted to swat away the fly that was flying around my head but the signal I was sending to my brain to remove the pest would not commute. There was movement beside me but I was too focused on the buzzing to pay it any mind. Suddenly the noise belonged to a plane over head as I played soccer with Gavin in the park. But that didn’t make sense that was years ago. The noise became the rumbling of the hot water heater in the janitors closet and I watch as Caleb rejected me for a second time, this time I am unable to say or do anything and my heart shatters into a million pieces.

                “Lana, Lana! Talk to me please Lana!” The voice brings me back to reality although I feel eerily calm. I am no longer in my car I realise as my gaze brings many people into focus, I recognize them but no names come to mind.

                “Back away! I’m going to need you to back away sir.” A new man wearing a bright suit with reflector tape.

                “I’m her boyfriend.” One of the familiar faces claimed. Wait boyfriend? Mark. I tried to say his name but it come out as a croak.

                “Someone bring her some water.” The paramedic ordered and in a flash there is a water bottle placed gently on my lips and the delightful liquid is pouring down lubricating my dried throat.

                I could smell something burning and the sickly tang of iron, I wondered what in the world is was the combination  smelt like death. The sirens in the background noise were constantly wailing and I realized they where the source of the buzzing not a fly, not a plane and definitely not a water heater. Around the sirens I could hear shouting of people in a panic, questioning the events that had just taken place.

                “Mark, what are you doing here? What happened?” I question as soon as the water bottle is taken away confused by the ruckus around me .

                “You don’t remember? Lana, you were in a accident. You crashed your car.” Mark explained sympathy coating his phrase.  I couldn’t stop the tears that pooled in my eyes as the shock hits me, it is the burning of my car and my blood I smell. The pain hits me so suddenly but I cannot find the energy to react to it and I can feel my eyes drooping.

                “We need to get to her to the hospital; she could have some internal damage we can’t see here.” The paramedic informed Mark preparing to pick up the stretcher at my head.

                “She’ll be okay right?” He inquired, the Paramedic didn’t answer as another paramedic took the stretcher at my and a third began hooking my up to monitors.

                There was another commotion from beside me, but once again the energy to do anything about it escaped me. “Let me see her! Lana it’s me! Please, please be okay! I’m sorry! Lana!” The desperate wail stood out even as the paramedic was telling my not to close my eyes. Just one minute I told myself that is as long as I’d rest my eyes for and so I did, I closed my eyes like the paramedic told me not, I was obviously not one to follow rules this whole day was evidence of that.


                I opened my eyes one minute later like I told myself I would but nothing was the way I had left it when I closed my eyes. I was not racing my car, I had not won the race, had I even begun the race. The accident must have been a dream and that annoying sound was my alarm waking me up. I reached over to turn off the alarm but the noise seemed to accelerate.

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