Their was a knock on the door breaking them from the trance they were in. "Come in." Ava yelled.

The nurse walked in giving her discharge papers so they could leave. Shortly, after signing the papers they were free to go.

Ava knew she couldn't avoid her mother forever but she also knew she wasn't going to go with Cinad.

"You ready," Cinad asked as he ignored the attitude she had since she didn't want to leave with him.

Cinad planned to just have them crash at a hotel for a while until he bought a apartment from the money he had saved.

Ava knew he wasn't going to budge, she figured this was a one time slip up and she could handle the future strikes but little did she know this was the very beginning.

Ava had a brilliant idea that could help her through this.

"How about you stay with me, I don't stay with you it would make me feel a lot more comfortable," Ava reasoned.

She figured why not live at the old house where the salon was located. He'll leave at 8 a.m. every morning and come back once the shop closes. It would seem like she was living alone.

Only thing was how was she going to persuade her mom with letting her stay at the house by herself.

"Okay that's fine, but what about you going places I already told y-,"

Ava let out a sigh rolling her eyes "I'll just call you," She answered in a duh tone. Cinad actually agreed to the idea which shocked Ava a little.

Cinad seen no problem with staying with her but he knew she wasn't living by herself. He knew she was still living with atleast one of parents.

"But what is Salia going to think about all of this," Ava teased pushing his buttons to see how he would react.

"I mean like I said when we was at Ihop I'm single, I can do what I please and if anybody don't like it either get with a nigga, or stay away from a nigga," Cinad chuckled licking over his bottom lip.

"Same goes for me huh," Ava smirked.

"Yeah, but you know that can change any time now," He said walking towards her invading her personal space.

The way her body tensed up and her breathing got caught in her throat because of him gave him a satisfied grin.

"Oh don't flatter yourself," She mumbled rolling her eyes only for him to lean down to her ear level.

"Just remember I like back massages and my girl naked after a long day," He whispered giving her neck a kiss in the process.

Ava was trying her best to not fall into his trap. She rolled her eyes and pushed past him living Cinad there laughing.

"Come on ass hole," Ava said making her way towards the door.

On her way out her phone began ringing. She looked down at the incoming call from her mom letting out a sigh preparing to hear her mouth.


"So you just think you got it all figured out huh," She chuckled bitterly. "Where was yo ass at last night you had me worried sick."

Ava was tired of lien about simple things and having to build more lies on that one lie to avoid judgement or even arguments.

"I was in the hospital,"  She muttered placing the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could push the down button for the elevator.

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