Ch. 22

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Lily shot up and looked around. "It was just a dream" Lily whispered to herself. Lily climbed out of her bunk being careful not to wake the girls up. Then, she closed her bunk curtain. She walked to the front lounge and grabbed the TV remote. Lily walked to the couch and turned on the TV being and put the volume loud enough for her to hear it but but not loud enough for the it to wake the girls up.

It was now morning and Normani was the first one to wake up. Normani walked into the front lounge and noticed Lily laying down on the couch watching TV. "Lily? What are you doing up so early?" Normani asked. Lily looked up. "I had a bad dream" Lily said. Normani can tell by how tired Lily looks that she has been up for a while now. "I'm sorry to hear that Lily" Normani said while sitting on the couch next to Lily. Lily crawled over to Normani and onto her lap. "Go to sleep Lily" Normani said while putting Lily in a some what comfortable position for to sleep on her lap. Lily yawned then closed her eyes.

Lauren was the last on to wake up. Lauren got up and did her morning routine before going in the front lounge. "Morning guys" Lauren said while walking in the lounge. "Morning" the girls said. "What's Lily doing sleeping in here?" Lauren asked once she noticed the little girl sleeping on Normani. "I woke up and she was in here watching TV and I asked why she was up so early she said that she had a bad dream" Normani responded. Lauren sighed. "Just don't know what to do about Lily and the nightmares she keeps having" Lauren said while sitting next to Ally on the couch and laying her head on her shoulder. "How bad did they get?" Ally asked. "The other day she woke up crying" Lauren said. "Really?" Camila said in disbelief. "Yeah, she did" Lauren said.

The girls continued to talk until all the girls phones signalled that they had gotten a text. The girls looked at each other then took out their phones. When they looked at the screen they noticed they had received a message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Lily will never be safe with me around.

"This is really weird" Ally said. All the girls agreed to short girl.

Unknown Number: Lily will be mine.

"Who is this?" Normani asked. "And how did they get out numbers?" Dinah finished.

Unknown Number: You don't need to know who I am and how I got your numbers. What you do need to know is that I will never stop trying to get what I want. And what I want is Lily.

"That's it I'm calling the cops" Lauren said.

Unknown Number: Call the cops and Lily will be dead by next week.

Lauren looked up from her phone and looked at the little girl still asleep in Normani's arms. "You okay Laur?" Camila asked. "Yeah, I'm fine I'm gonna go for walk" Lauren said while getting up and grabbing her shoes. "I'll come with" Ally said. "No!" Lauren shouted. All the girls were a little taken back by her sudden outburst. Lily woke up but Lauren didn't notice. "I just wanna be alone for awhile" Lauren said while walking out the door and slamming. "Why is mama mad?" Lily asked while rubbing her eyes. All the girls looked at her finally noticing she was awake. "Lily, Lauren isn't mad she's just a little emotional right now" Ally said. "Why?" Lily asked. "Because of all things going on with you" Dinah said. "Oh" Lily said while getting off Normani's lap. "Where are you going?" Camila asked. "To the back" Lily said with her voice cracking. Once she was out of sight Normani hit Dinah in the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?" Dinah asked. "Look what you did you made Lily sad" Normani said hitting her again. "Guys stop!" Ally shouted. "I'll go talk to her while you guys try to get Lauren back here" Ally said while getting up. "Okay" the girls said while Ally walked to back lounge. When Ally walked in she saw Lily there with tears streaming down her face. "You okay Lily?" Ally asked while she sat next to Lily. "Its my fault mama's sad" Lily said. "Its not your fault Lily" Ally said. Lily looked up at Ally with watery eyes. "Yes it is" Lily said. "No it's not it's those bad people who are trying to take you away from her" Ally wiped away some of Lily's tears. "You can never make Lauren sad all you do is make Lauren happy" Ally continued. "I do?" Lily asked. "Yeah, she loves you so much that she's happy" Ally said. Lily smiled. "There's that smile everybody loves to see" Ally said. "Thank AllyCat" Lily said while she hugged her. "Anytime LilyBear" Ally said causing Lily to giggle at the nickname. Then Lily's stomach growled. "I'm hungry" Lily said. "Your always hungry" Ally said. "Can we have pizza?" Lily asked. "How about we eat something different today" Ally said. "Okay" Lily said. Ally got up and picked up the little girl. "Go brush your teeth" Ally said while putting Lily down. Lily nodded and ran to the bathroom. Ally then walked into the front lounge. "Did you get Lauren to come back here?" Ally asked. "No, she's not answering her phone" Normani said. "Did you ma's Lily happy again?" Camila asked. "Yeah she's brushing her teeth right now" Ally said. A few minutes after Lily came out of the bathroom and sat on Dinah's lap. "Hey Lj" Dinah said. "Hi Dj" Lily said then took out a water gun started spraying her. Dinah then grabbed a water gun and started spraying her. Ally, Camila, and Normani were taking cover under the table. Once the two children ran out of liquid in their water guns the girls came out Fein under the table. "You guys are so childish" Normani said. "Well duh, Lily is a child and Dinah acts like a child" Camila said earning a slap at the back of her head by Dinah. "Ow!" Camila yelled. She then smacked Dinah back and soon enough they started to slap fight. "Children stop!" Ally yelled making Camila and Dinah stop. "Camila stop calling Dinah a child because you are just as childish as she is" Ally said. "And Dinah stop turning out sewer little Lily into a mini you" Normani said. "Now Dinah you take Lily and go take a shower while we order some food" Ally said. Dinah quickly picked Lily up and ran out the door.

It was now almost midnight and Lily and girls were still awake waiting for Lauren to come home. "Where is she?" Dinah asked. "Call her" Camila said. Dinah quickly got her phone out and dialed Lauren's number. There was no answer. "She didn't answer" Dinah said. The girls looked at Lily and saw that she tears running down her face. "Its okay Lily" Normani said. "I miss mama" Lily said. "Lets get you to sleep and I promise that tomorrow morning Lauren's gonna be here" Ally said. Lily nodded and lifted her arms up so Ally can pick her up. "Goodnight guys" Lily said while yawning. "Goodnight" the girls said. "I still don't get how Ally can carry her she's so small" Dinah said. "Well Lily is small too" Camila said. After a 2 hours Ally was back in the front lounge and the front door opened. In walked Lauren. "Where have you been?" The girls asked. "A place" Lauren said. "Well you have been at this 'place' all day and Lily started to think that you were never gonna come back" Ally stated. "She even cried herself to sleep" Ally said. "This so irresponsible of you" Normani said. "I'm sorry guys" Lauren said. "Don't apologize to us apologize to your daughter" Dinah said. "Okay" Lauren said while walking to the bunk area. Lauren pulled back Lily's curtain and heard her sniffles. "Hey Lily" Lauren said. Lily face Lauren and hugged her. "I'm sorry that I left you to think that was never coming back" Lauren said. "The man that tried to kidnapped me looked so familiar" Lily said. "What man?" Lauren asked. "The man the tried to run away with me that day me and Dinah sprayed tho with the liquid we made" Lily said. "What do you mean he looked familiar?" Lauren asked. "He looked like I've seen him before but I don't know where" Lily said and started crying harder that she was before. "Lily listen to me, I will never let anyone hurt you or taken you away from me, you mean too much for me to let someone take you away" Lauren said. "I love you Mama" Lily said. "I love you too Lily" Lauren said while kissing Lily's head. "Now come on we need to go to sleep" Lauren said while putting back in her bunk. "Can you sing to me?" Lily asked. "Of course" Lauren said. Lauren started singing Lego House and Lily slowly drifted off to sleep. Lauren kissed Lily's head and closed her curtain. She changed into her pajamas and then went into her bunk falling asleep wondering who was that man.

A/N: Hey y'all. This was a really bad chapter. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. Give me some ideas for any future chapters. I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Happy Birthday Dinah!!!!

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