Chapter 28: Fallin'

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2am, wtf... waaay too early!

I'm pretty use to waking up to a baby balling her eyes out every 30 minuets since the day I started, and never stopped, playing mama to my lil sis.

"Hola Maria," I say quietly in a sing-song voice, "It's ok, it's ok, Tana's right here." 

My body's trembling a little. Probably because a lifetime of insomnia is starting to take it's toll, I mean, I actually forgot to go to school yesterday. Not on purpose. I legitimately forgot. Not just this once, ohhh no, but SIX times!!! I don't think it helps that my Britt Britt is one week through her two week sentence which includes 100 hours of chores, no electronics and her aunt Darcy's 'food' in Powell, Wyoming!

"Do you want a bottle, or a... Oh wow! Ok, I'll take that as your way of telling me you have diarrhoea." Great, just great! "I get all the best jobs don't I Hun." Maria's now looking at me with a full face of (What the F is going on), "It's ok, I don't mind. Really Maria."

... Err? What time is it??? Ough, I don't care no more :(



"Mariaaa. Go get the. oh yeah... your a baby, sorry." Who's here at THIS time of day? Whatever time of the day it is? And then my heart stops. What are they doing here?!

I can feel my arms pushing against the door but I'm too late, as Will literally puts his foot in it. And then I become the person with diarrhoea. Verbally that is, " Mr Shuster, Miss Pillsbury... how do you know where I live?"

Mr Shue has a load of papers in his hands whilst Emma's firmly holding her handbag, clearly not a Lima Heights girl. "We cheeked your files to find out where you live." He's speaking so seriously, what have I done now? "Can we come in?"

My head has curse words on repeat, I just know I have to stay strong now. Not just for me, but for Maria too. "I guess." I say with full Lima Heights attitude.

They walk in and take in there surrounding, oh god there taking in the bloody walled surroundings. I make them water since I can't afford anything else. Wait, do you make water? You make urine, that's sum kind of water, right?

"Santana are you even listening?" ... Sorry Emma, that answer is No.

"Don't blame me I got distracted. This baby monitor doesn't watch it's self you know." Too much 'tude, yeah I thought so too. But I can't give up the act now, I've got to just roll with it.

"Santana where really worried about you. You haven't been you self since your parents died and now the miscarriage to..." Will continues where Emma left off.

"You haven't spoken to Brittany in 3 weeks, your suicidal and, and we just want to help you get ba-"

Before Will could finish his boring (but true) rant my world went dark as face makes out with the floor, smudging my cheek against the splintered wood. Oh boy. 

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