Chapter 14: Neverland

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She lies on my chest, beaming her eyes towards mine. Her soft cotton onesie, soothing, against my rough skin. Brittany whispers sweet nothings into my ear, whilst Maria cries loudly into the other.

"Shall I get the queen her royal bottle?" Brittany says, failing to sound like the queen of England.

I need to pull myself up so I can look at her face, "Britt... You really want to go back into the," she cuts me off sharply, practically tossing Maria to me. "It doesn't look that bad in there in there, does it?"

"THERES BLOOD ON THE CILING HONEY!"I honestly don't know how she hasn't noticed the small traces of blood around the house. It's Everywhere! The bannister is bloody, there are splattering's of blood in the halls, there's even blood on the DVD's! Every time I open the front door I feel like saying, "Hello, and welcome to Bloods R Us. If you would like to buy the kitchen, I'll take you to the graveyard, so you know where your bloods come from."

Saturday, 10am

I love sleeping. It's when I can forget about all the downers in life, and pretend I stole a Broadway lead off Berry. I'm in NYC, gazing at the,"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhh! DON'T LICK MY LOVED ONES!" Lick? I obviously wasn't having my NYC dream like I normally have. Lick? Really... Lick?

"Did you just say lick Santana?" A far voice questions,

"I don't know what I was thinking," Light is starting to enter my eyes, I'm babbling at 10 thousand miles a minuet, "Why am I in Tina's car?" I'm moving faster than a bolt, "Where's Maria?!"

"First of all. Maria's in the back seat." Rachel's doing that annoying thing where she talks without taking breaks, "And second of all we are all taking you and Maria to watch the Pan movie in the cinema and then after that we are taking you two out for dinner." Finally, she's stopped talking.

 "I like the sound of that."

Dinner, Tea... Whatever you call it.

I must admit that movie was cool, well, as cool as a children's film can get. Thankfully unbeknownst to the girls, they booked the movie in Maria's nap time so she didn't make a fuss. Although she was like a little worm in my lap.

As for right now well... Put it this way, due to Britt's newly found fear of the kitchen, Maria has no milk! And I can tell you now, she is not a happy baby.

Mercedes is turning her head towards mine, "Can I ask a question San,"

"No, I can't get her to stop crying," I had to cut her of.

"Actually. I was gonna ask you how do you cope?" Now what does she mean by that? How do I cope. Cope with what?

"Now what do you mean by that girl?" I saying with a smile on my face. Huh, I haven't smiled in a while.

"I mean..." Oh gosh, she's thinking, I'm nerves, "You've been given a scenario, that only happens in those rated M horror movies that you watch to sear yourself silly before bed. My point is, How do you stay so strong? And don't give me that look girl, cause you've been stronger then any of us could be in your situation." There all nodding in agreement now.

That is a good question... "These past three weeks, gosh it's almost a month, I've felt like the weakest person in the whole world, no, galaxy." Don't even Think about crying miss Lopez! "But I cry when I need to cry. And I'm getting stronger as we speak. Besides, like Peter Pan says, 'I don't believe in bed time stories,' And trust me, It's more of a nightmare..."

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