Chapter 6:Oh Tuesday (Nights)

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Finally... After that little talk with Shue face, I feel like I've at least got some of my Latina powers left. I've had no control over ANYTHING since last Friday. But now I need to pick all the broken pieces of the floor (literally) and start regaining control. 

I really need to get out of these stinky corridors soon, before the next herd of elephant get released from there cages. The sky is pitch black, it's been thundering since 12:30. Where are they? I hope they didn't go out without me.

"Santana," Big mouth Rachel scrams from the other side of the car park. I'm walking towards Sugar's Land Rover (And she says she isn't that spoilt!) All the girls are talking about me. And I know that because I herd my name 5 times before I actually got to them.

"Look hear ladies," I say thermally, standing my ground, "I know I've had my life is going down the drain, but it doesn't mean that,"

"Santana we weren't saying that stuff," Brittany says reassuringly, placing her silky soft skin around my stiff body. "Rachel asked if we should take Maria shopping with us,"

I just stare at them, "Then why did you say my name 5 times?"

"Sorry that was me," Rachel buts in, "I forgot what your sister was called." Augh, that girl. I swear if Britt wasn't tugging me back I would.

"Santana." Quinn says sharpish. "Your choice, which shopping centre should we go to?"

Its soooo hard to pick. You've got the one with all the designer labels... No, way too expensive.

"Oh yea," Tina jumps out of the car, "I need to be home for 7:33,"

"Well that's a tad parasitic," Quinn queried, "Why on earth do you need to be home by," Quinn pauses for a few seconds, "Oh yea, you have the dentist. So does that mean no thither than 15 miles?"

An idea hits me like a lightning bolt. Coincidently, lightning has just hit the ground 7 blocks away. "The shopping centre in Blackwood, It's got good shops, plus I can get something for Maria," The girls look at each other and agreed, "All we need to do now is collect Maria from day-care."

I hop in the middle of Sugar's Land Rover with Britt and Tina, all though, it feels more like the local scrap heap then being in a rich kids car. Seriously, theirs half eaten crackers, what looks like a 5 star ant hotel and, oh gosh! The smell, me and Tina are now doing synchronized window opening. Rachel and Sugar are in the front of the car, whilst Mercedes and Quinn join in on our conversation. Our daily dose of Sue Sylvester's bullying. 

"Right so get this Santana, when your car was going to it's resting place," I hope this story Mercedes is saying is better then the time Sue through twigs at her, "She made me lick her feet and."

"Don't even, today Sue set my Spanish book on fire," Rachel says angrily.

The conversation ends when Sugar pulled up at the day-care. I have his weird feeling in my gut, like, something bad has happened, but this time, worse then usual. I step slowly out of the car and walk on the crooked tiles, push the massive fire door open to find... CAYOSS! There was screaming from both babies and adults, and then as if this day couldn't be any worse then it already is, Ms Marks come charging into the office in rage, dragging my Maria on the floor.

"TAKE HER, AND DON'T EVER BRING HER BACK!!!!!" Ms Marks screams, with her body shaking with anger whilst she literally throws Maria into my arms. By this point the girls all came into the day-care to see what the commotion is.

"Why, what did she do?" I am so confused right now. Maria's not bad, they just think she is because newborn babies can do more then her. But that doesn't make her bad!

"She is a decrease! Hay, stop looking down at me like you know everything," Marks snaps,

"Well of course I know everything. That and you've got Dwarfism so I have to look down." Well it might sound mean, but it's true.

"YOUR PARENTS SHULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELFS!" It is almost like a pin dropped, "YOUR PARENTS  MUST OF DROPPED DEAD AT THE SIGHT OF BOTH OF YA!" I will never forgive that lady. Oceans are pouring out of my eyes. Rachel grabs Maria from me whilst Brittany carry me to the car, (She's a very strong lady,) I feel like I'm being carried out of a war zone, I feel week, I'm dying (Of disgust), and I'm being rescued by people who truly care about me.

4:18pm to 8:50pm

"Thank you, you guys are really good at swearing for me." They all chanted your welcome in shock that I actually thanked them. As we pulled up to Blackwood shopping centre, Maria wakes up from her one hour nap, "Hola Maria, did you have a nice nap?" She whimpers and glances over at me, "Look princess, it's Britt Britt," I say with my baby voice, Brittany coos at Maria and plays with her all the way to Macy's.

"She's so harmless," Tina says

"If I could I would take you home with me," Rachel and Mercedes say in unison.

These changing room chairs feels like I'm sitting on shark teeth. But as Brittany walks out in her blue and yellow floral dress, life is worth it. She plants a kiss on my cheek as I'm speechless in our of her.

Time passes, and the thunder has finally stopped.

"Guys, I hope you don't mind but I need to leave in the next 15 minutes," Tina says in panic.

I wanted to say something witty but Maria's with me. Where in the Disney shop trying to find something for Maria when Quinn tapes on my shoulder,

"What about this Maria?" Quinn asks, she's holding a small soft Minnie Mouse teddy with a red poker dot dress. I was going to ask Maria if she wanted it, but I could tell by the searing that she loves it.

Minuets after purchasing the teddy I find myself using the pram as a scooter, whilst the girls bolt it to the car. Long story short we got Tina to her parents 5 minutes late but hay, after Sugar's SHOCKING driving I'm surprised that I'm not in a coma.

Sugar somehow gets me to my house in one piece, and I step out of Sugar's car with Maria in her zebra car seat, screaming her little heart out, and walk back into our haunted house.

"Well Maria, lesson for life, always have good friends." I smile at the little princess and hope for a more stable tomorrow... 

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