chapter 52

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I got in the car and shinohara started to drive to the ccg, as he drove he hummed a cheerful tune. I picked at the bandages on my hands and kept shifting my legs.

We parked in front and i stepped out, we walked in and were immediately approached by investigator anthony.

She smiled and shook my hand "i owe you an apology. I didnt realize that ryu was your friend and i didnt know about any of your story."

I nodded and pulled my hand away, "is ryu dead?"

She looked at me confused then smiled "oh you dont know yet do you?" She clapped "its amazing! You really must see!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me "follow me!"

Shinohara waved and sat down on one of the front couches.

I followed elle and kept tripping over my own feet, being dragged along. Then she suddenly stopped and i ran into her body full force, knocking both of us over. She laughed and stood up then put her hand out to me "sorry about that." She helped me up.

I nodded and looked at the metal door she had stopped at "where are we?"

She smiled "this is ryu's room."

I stared at the door and bit my lip, i had no idea what  expect. I breathed in then looked at elle "how is she?"

She smiled and touched my shoulder "shes great, thats what i wanted to tell you." She smiled  wider "it turns out that gasmask is a human. Or should i say ryu. She suddenly wasnt a ghoul anymore, its absolutely remarkable. We still can believe it."

I stared at her wide eyed "what!"

She smiled and nodded "cool isnt it!"

I couldnt help but let a smile creep across my face "ryu your such a weird girl." I laughed.

Then elle frowned "now suzuya, i should warn you, shes been through alot, you of all people should understand shes not the same as she was. The ryu you knew may be completely gone."

I nodded "i dont care, ryu is ryu."

Elle nodded then opened the door.

I walked in and looked around, there was a bed and a tv, and a book shelf with books. I looked at the bed and saw a lump under the blankets, that must be ryu....

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