chapter 27

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The Bell rang and it was the end of school. I walked out and saw ryū waiting for me. She grabbed my hand and we walked together hand in hand. We got outside the school then noticed everyone was staring at something. We walked up and saw yokubo standing there. She was wearing a tight black dress and long black Lacey gloves. Her bright red hair was down and she had a lacey black masquerade mask on. Her dress had a corset on it. She was standing there smiling holding up some papers. Then she yelled out "why hello all you beautiful children!! Who wants to see some great action!!?!" She threw the papers up "come to this once in a life time performance!!!!!!" People picked up all the fliers. I picked one up and read it....
                                  The challenge
                A once in a life time event. Tonight at 8:30pm. Be there!
                            436 drive east. Ward 10
                        DONT MISS IT!!  ; )

She smiled "Don't miss this!!!" She posed "oh and I'll be there too!!!! I'm actually part of the show!!!" I noticed some guys grin. I saw ryū clench her teeth. Yokubo looked directly at me and grinned. She walked up to me and put her hand through my hair "oh why hello juzo. I didn't know you were here." She grinned. Then walked away.


I was at home and I looked at the flier then I looked at the clock. 8:00. I got up and walked out the door. I walked till I got to the place on the flier. It was a large factory building. I walked in and saw it was all lit up inside. There was a tall gate inside that formed a circle. I saw people standing around it. I saw yokubo directing people. She was still wearing the same black dress as before. I walked towards her and she smiled. "Hi juzo. You can find a spot to stand around the fence."

I found a spot and I stared into the fence. Yokubo walked inside with a microphone. She smiled and waved. "HI GUYS! WELCOME TO THE CHALLENGE!" They cheered. "now I know most of you don't know what's going on right now but your about to find out." She lifted her hand "LETS WELCOME OUR COMPETITOR, RYÛ IKI!!!!!!" I saw ryū walk out and my heart dropped for a second. She walked out with her bruises clearly revealed. She was wearing what she was at school minus the scarf. She had her black hat on and she was staring directly at me with a frown on her face.

She walked up to the fence where I was and smiled "see juzo. I'm gonna show you that I'm strong and i can take care of myself."

My eyes widened "wait ryū! Are you going to fight her?"

She walked away without responding. I held onto the fence tightly watching them. I had a feeling in my stomach but I've never felt it before. Was this fear? What am I afraid of? I saw yokubo drop the microphone and smile at ryū. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Ryū smiled back "why are you scared?"

Yokubo grinned "of course not. I just don't think this is a fair fight for you. It's like a puppy fighting a wolf." Yokubo took a step back and stood completely still. "Your move first."

Ryū ran at yokubo but yokubo moved out of the way as expected. And this happened over and over. Ryū didn't land one hit. But yokubo didn't hit back. She just laughed dodging ryus hits. Ryū stopped breathing heavily. She looked at yokubo "you move fast. Just like juzo. What the hell are you guys?"

Yokubo smiled "well if I said I was human it would be a lie."

Ryus eyes widened "are......are you a ghoul?" The crowd laughed.

Yokubo grinned "I don't know. But I'm sure you will find out."

I looked at that large crowd. I need to help ryū but I can if this crowd is watching. I yelled out at the top of my lungs "EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE! THE COPS ARE COMING!" Everyone ran out quickly. Then it was just me, ryū, and yokubo.

Yokubo smiled "what's a matter? Don't like crowds?"

I climbed the fence and jumped down and smiled "I just don't like people."

She grinned "do you like ghouls?"

I smiled evily "well they are fun to kill." I walked closer to her.

I saw her frown. She stared into my eyes "I remember those eyes. I remember the fear I felt. The way they stared into my soul. I remember that horrible evil laugh of yours. And yet you can't remember me. You caused me so much pain and you don't remember it at all. All you can come up with is my name.....blood lust. It kinda offends me."

"So your name is blood lust" I said smiling. "Did we meet in the arena or something? I don't remember leaving anyone alive."

She looked at me with angery eyes. Then she turned it to a smiled. She got up close to me and put her face right next to mine. Her body touched mine and she grabbed my chin and made me look her in the eyes. She whispered "I'm going to make you remember."

Then all of a sudden I saw ryu's fist hit yokubos face. Yokubo stumbled backwards. Ryū looked at her angerly. Her knuckles were probably broken from hitting yokubo but she didn't seem phased by the pain. All I saw was pure anger in her eyes. "YOU LITTLE BITCH FACE STAY AWAY FROM JUZO!!!"

yokubo put her hand on her face and smiled at ryū "oh wow. So you can actually hit. But I'm sure you broke your knuckles doing that. I'm a ghoul ya know. I have hard skin. You should have brought a weapon. Neither of you have a chance against me."

Yokubo looked me in the eyes. "Juzo do you remember me yet?"

I shook my head

She sighed. "I'll have to make you remember then." She thought for a moment. "Do you remember being seriously injured during a fight and almost dying?"

"Well alot of times."

She sighed and rolled her eyes "this is so fucking irritating!!" She smiled. I'll speed up you memory a bit." She took off her mask then rubbed away her lipstick. She took off her heals then she brought her hands up to her head and I saw her lift her long red hair up completely off her head revealing short brown hair. She smiled at me and dropped the wig on the ground "do you remember me now?"

That's all I needed to remember her, or should I say.....him.

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