chapter 21

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I walked slowly down the dark street with ryū in my arms. We were both covered in blood and she would start to slip out of my arms every couple of minutes. Finally I could see my house. I walked over to my window which was still open. I leaned I to my room and dropped ryū's body on the ground. I heard a loud thud as she fell. I looked down at her then smiled "oops." I climbed in the window and jumped over her body. I tripped and fell onto the ground next to her. I turned my head to her and looked at her peaceful sleeping face. Then I quickly stood up. My stomach had this weird tickling feeling in it. I shook my head then walked over to the mirror. I was completely covered in blood and the back of my shirt was ripped in shreads. I had a scratch across my cheek and my hair was a complete mess. It was in tangles and had blood staining the white strands. I slowly slipped off my shirt and threw it in the trash. Then I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and then got undressed. I slowly crept into the shower afraid of the cold water. I got chills down my spine. I looked up at the water and let it sting my eyes. Then I stared down at the drain and saw brownish liquid fall down the drain. I lifted my hands and started to wash my hair. The soap was leaking in my eyes but I didn't care. It was just pain. Pain is only felt by those who want to feel it.

I turned off the shower and walked out drying myself with the towel. I looked in the mirror and frowned "I looked better with all that blood." I looked at the cut and saw that it had stopped bleeding but there was still a line of dried blood across my cheek. I wrapped the towel around me and then started to brush my hair. Then I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror. I just stared into my own bright red eyes and frowned. A single tear fell down my cheek. "Was I a good boy mama? Do I get goodboy points? I killed those ghouls all by myself." I wiped my cheek and replaced my tears with a wide smile. I traced all the wounds on my arm. "How pretty."

I opened up the cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit then I walked back into my room. Ryū was still unconscious on my floor. I set the first aid kit next to her then went to my closet and started to get dressed. Once I was done I walked over to ryū and knelt down next to her. I grabbed the end of her shirt and slowly lifted it over her head. I set the blood soaked shirt on the ground next to me. I stared down at her stomach. It was green and purple from bruising and then there was the wound that I had stitched up. It was a black and red color. You could see some of her flesh sticking out. I picked up the bandages then stuck it on the wound. Then I took the other bandages and wrapped it around her whole body securing the bandage in place. I looked at her shoulder and saw another cut. I wrapped the bandages around her shoulder too. I looked at her tangled green hair then started to brush it. I took a rubber band and put it up in a small pony tail so that it wouldn't touch her wound. I looked at her pants and saw that they were ripped at the thigh. There was blood at the rip. I tried to look at it to see if it needed bandages but I couldn't tell with her tight pants on. I started to pull off her pants then I set them down with the shirt. I studied the wound then I wrapped bandages around it as well. I studied the rest of her body for wounds and I didn't see any. A bunch of bruises but no cuts. I walked over to my closet and pulled out one of my white button up shirts. I walked over to her then slipped it on her. I slowly started to button it up. I looked at her other blood soaked clothes and decided to throw them away.

I sighed and started down at ryū. I leaned down and lifted up her limp body then carried her over to my bed and set her down. I lifted the blanket and covered her up. I stared down at her. Then I put my hand up to her face. I felt the weird tingle in my stomach again and I quickly backed up. I shut the window then yawned and stretched. I was going to walk over to my bed when I kicked something. I looked down and saw ryū's hat. I picked it up. It must have fell off my head when I climbed into the window. I walked over to the bed and set it on ryū's head. I smiled "now you look like ryū again." I yawned again then layed down in the bed next to her. I adjusted the pillow then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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