chapter 17

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I sat in class mindlessly not caring what the teacher said. I stared out the window looking at all the trees and the bright light. I turned back to my desk and looked down at it. Then I looked up at the teacher who was still explaining something. I sighed. I looked over at the girls sitting next to me. They were talking and I listened in. The girl with the brown hair said "I wish someone would just kill me"

I grinned and grabbed the knife out of my pocket. I leaned close to her revealing the knife and whispered. "I can kill you."

She looked at the knife with wide eyes and then got up out of her seat and screamed "this freak has a knife!"

Everyone turned around to look at me and the teacher stopped talking. He walked to the back of the class and looked at the knife in my hand. He gasped "suzuya put that down!"

I smiled "but why? She said she wanted someone to kill her so I was going to do it for her."

He looked at me angerly "put it down or I will call the police!!"

I set the knife on the desk and smiled at the girl "maybe another time."

The teacher came up to me and grabbed me by my collar. He lifted me out of my chair and started to drag me away. I immediately elbowed him in the stomach as hard as I could. He let go of me and fell on the ground. I stared down at him. "I don't like people touching me mister."

He coughed then walked over to the phone. He said something that I couldn't hear then he looked at me. "Just stay there and don't move boy! Or I will be forced to take action!"

I looked around the classroom and saw everyone staring at me. I must have done something wrong but I don't know what. I looked at the girl and saw her hugging her friend crying. I smiled "oh! Now I get it! She was lying. She didn't want someone to kill her." I twisted my head to her "you do know its not okay to lie. That's what mama told me. I should punish you for that."

I saw tears fall down her cheeks and she backed away. I walked closet to her and I heard the teacher scream "BACK AWAY FROM HER NOW!!"

I turned around and smiled at him. He was trying to look tough but he was shaking. "Oh don't worry Mr. Teacher I can hurt you next if you want."

I walked closer to her and she ended up shaking in a corner. She looked at me crying "please don't hurt me. We...we can be friends. I'm sorry I was spreading rumors about you....ple..please. I want to live!"

I stepped closer with a smile on my face and she sat down on the ground. I knelt down in front of her and smiled evily. I took my hand and brushed her hair out of her face. "Don't worry. All the pain will be gone soon." Fear spread across her face.

Then the door flung open and I saw shinohara standing there breathless. He walked up to me and slapped me across the face. "Juuzou suzuya!! Get away from that girl!"

I looked at his angry eyes and put my hand on my face where he had slapped me. It didn't hurt but the way he was looking at me did. I stood up and looked at him. "M.....Mr..shinohara." I felt my face get hot.

He looked at me and sighed "come with me juzo." He started to walk to the door and I just stood there motionless. Then he turned to me and smiled "come on."

I moved my hand from my face and let it drop to my side. Then I smiled and jumped over to him "Mr. Shinohara!! Your at my school." And then we left the classroom. When we were outside he walked in silence and I followed him. I could tell he was angry with me. Then we got to a door and he opened it. It was where I went the first day. The place with the therapist. Inside was the same lady and there was someone else. It was ryū. I peaked my head in "ryū?"

She looked up at me and waved. Shinohara walked in "you need to speak with juzo right away. He had an episode." He looked at ms.iki with sturn eyes. Then he left me in there and shut the door behind him.

Ms. iki smiled at me and motioned for me to sit on the couch next to ryū. "Come sit down juzo. I guess we will have a duel therapy session today. This is ryū, another one of my patients."

I sat down "I know who this weird girl is."

Ryū smiled at me "so watcha do to get in here?"

Then ms.iki shushed ryū "ryū! It's not polite to ask that. Especially not like that. How many times have I told you to speak correctly." Ms.iki smiled at me "ryū doesn't have very good manners. She's actually my daughter."

Ryū looked at me "it sucks having a mom as the school shrink. She always thinks I'm going nuts."

I scooched away "that's because you are. And stay away girl."

She smiled at me and scooched closer "but I like you. Your cool."

I looked at her angrily "your weird."

She laughed "look who's talking."

Ms.iki stopped our conversation "okay okay let's stop." She smiled at me "so juzo. Why did they have you come and see me?"

I shrugged "I don't know. I was just trying to make this girl in my class happy but she made the teacher take my knife away."

Ms.iki frowned "juzo your not allowed to have knives at school. And your not allowed to hurt anyone." She looked down at my arm "where'd you get that cut juzo?"

Ryū bit her lip. I looked at ms.iki and smiled "this girl did it with her cool knife. And she let me keep the knife too!" I pointed at ryū.

Ms.iki turned to ryū with an angry look on her face "ryū! Why did you do that!?!"

She shrugged and smiled "it wasn't my fault mom. He said he couldn't feel pain so I wanted to test it out. And he liked the knife so I gave it to him."

Ms.iki sighed "I can't believe you ryū. I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe I should take away all those books you read. They can't be good for your head. I bet their the reason you went and cut off all your hair. It was so long and beautiful."

Ryū sighed "mom I'm not you! I don't want to be some girly girl and I don't want to do every single thing I'm told either! You just wait and see! I'm gonna be a ghoul investigator!"

I looked at ryū and smiled "I can teach you how to kill a ghoul."

Ms.iki interrupted "wow you two are going to be friends and there is nothing I can do about it." She sighed. "I'll be back. You two can just chat it up." She smiled and walked out the door.

Ryū grinned at me "you wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Where are we gonna get some ice cream?"

She smiled and walked over to the window then opened it. "Come on. Let's go."

She climbed out the window and I smiled and did the same. I jumped down onto the grass and followed her. She smiled back at me "there's a good place to get ice cream a couple blocks from here." She started to walk then stopped and looked at me "you got any cash?"

I shook my head "no..."

She grinned "then I'll have to get some." She started to walk again. I wonder what she was talking about.

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