chapter 23

462 23 11

It's been exactly a week since me and ryū killed the ghouls. Ryū hasn't been at school because her mom saw the wound in her stomach and took her to the hospital. Without ryū school is boring. All I do is wait to came home and be with shinohara. But today I have to go to school once again just like everyday. I thought once I left the arena and mama that the pointless cycle would stop but the truth is that it just changed. Instead of killing people everyday I am going to school everyday. Instead of being tortured everyday I am coming home. I'm not complaining but now everything is so............boring. I want to kill again.

I felt a hand on my shoulder "juzo?"

I looked up and saw shinohara I smiled "hey Mr. shinohara!"

He laughed "you were zoneing out again. Your always doing that." He patted my head "come on. You got to go to school."

I spun the chair around and jumped off. Then I smiled up at shinohara with a spoon in my mouth. "How bout we take a nap instead."

He laughed and shook his head "come on. You need to go to school."

"But why?"

He put his hand up to his face "well........" He smiled "cause your girlfriend is going to be there today." He chuckled.

I looked down at my feet "girlfriend? Do you mean ryū?"

"Yeah. She is your girlfriend right?"

I looked up at him with my hands cupped around my eyes like binoculars "a girl yes. But friend?.......your my only friend mr. shinohara."

Shinohara laughed "your one weird kid." He walked out the door and I followed him to the car.

As he drove I stared out the window. I saw the same trees and the same houses that I always see. And then.......I saw a girl lying on the sidewalk. "Mr. Shinohara. There's a girl out there. I think she's dead." I said without taking my eyes off her.

Shinohara immediately hit the brakes and I was thrust forward. I watched him get out of the car panicked. He ran up to the girl leaving me alone in the car. I stepped out and stared at him. He grabbed his phone and spoke frantically holding the girls limp body. The girl was wearing a long white dress with light pink flowers on the top. She had really long bright red hair and there was a tattoo on her arm. It was a big red x in a circle. I walked up to her and shinohara. I stood there and just stared while Shinohara was doing CPR. I knelt down about two feet away and looked at the girls face. It somehow looked familiar. I leaned in a little closer. And then I jumped back when her eyes shot open. One of her eyes were completely black. It was a ghoul eye. Then it suddenly turned to a normal eye. She had bright green eyes. She sat up and coughed. Shinohara sighed trying to catch his breath. She looked at me with no expression. Then she brought her finger to her lips and made a signal to be quiet. I guess she meant not to tell shinohara that she was a ghoul. Shinohara finally caught his breath the turned to the girl "are you okay? Are you hurt?"

The girl stood up and wiped the dirt from her dress. She smiled "why yes I'm fine. Thank you for saving me but I'll be on my way now."

That voice. I know that voice. Why do I know that voice? Who is this girl and why do I know her?

Shinohara grabbed her hand as she tried to walk away "wait a second! You need to go to a hospital! You were dead!"

She stopped and looked at shinohara. "I don't need a hospital, I'm fine, but thank you."

For some reason something shot into my mind and I just let it slip from my lips "blood lust."

The girls head shot in my direction her eyes wide "what did you say?" She looked worried.

Juuzou suzuyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora