chapter 38

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I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. I glanced over at the man in the chair next to me and sighed. " im booooorred" I said loudly. heads all turned towards me and dirty looks. the man giving a presentation cleared his throat and everyone looked back at him. he was talking about some ghoul that's out of control, I honestly didn't care I wanted to go out and kill it. this ghoul is a pretty big deal, what was his name? oh yeah..... gas mask....

I yawned and stretched my arms then sat up "hey mister why don't we just go out and kill this guy?"

he frowned at me "well we don't know where he is or what he looks like! now will you kindly sit down and let me finish!"

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. gasmask..... a mysterious ghoul that showed up out of no where one day, about a year ago he went on a killing spree but the odd thing was he didn't always eat his victims, he left their mutilated dead bodies on the floor not caring that we would find them. most of his victims..... are other ghouls. this is a case of cannibalism.

whoever this guy is I cant wait to kill him, this should be fun.


I skipped behind shinohara in the dark street as he walked. I stumbled and grabbed his hand to steady myself. he helped me steady myself then let go of me "juzo can you calm down were on a mission."

I smiled at him and nodded.

he kept walking and I walked quietly behind him. he stopped quickly and I ran into his back then stumbled backwards. I looked ahead of him and saw a young boy with ghoul eyes and blood dripping from his mouth. in front of him was the body of a girl. he stared at us with fear in his eyes. I watched tears form in his eyes. then he got down on his knees and started sobbing "please! please! don't kill me! I swear I wont do it again! please! please in begging you!"

shinohara looked at me. I knew he didn't want to kill a child even if it was a ghoul. I smiled and nodded at him. "I got it." I walked in front of shinohara and up to the child. I looked down at him "you really are a stupid kid aren't you. eating right here in the street. what is this your first hunting job?" I smiled. "let me guess, your parents just died." I widened my eyes "did you watch it? did you see their guts fly? wasn't it pretty?"

he looked up at me with an angry expression "SHUT UP!"

I laughed "ohh lookie there the kid is angry." the kid swung at me and I moved my head "ya know that was a bad idea." I grabbed him by the arm and threw his small body at the wall.

he stood up and looked at me. a blue tail came out of his back and looped up above his head and pointed at me "I WONT LET YOU KILL ME"

I laughed and pulled a knife out of my pocket, I spun it in my hand. "ohh really? why don't we see if your right."

shinohara yelled at me "juzo stop messing around and use your quinque. "

I looked over at him holding my suitcase. he slid it to me and I opened it, a large scythe came out of it and I smiled hello Jason. I looked at the boy as he rushed at me with his kagune and I jumped out of the way the quickly sliced his head off. "uh oh, you lost." I walked over and picked up his severed head and smiled at shinohara while holding it up. "look shinohara I did it."

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