chapter 24

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The Bell rang and I walked out of my class. I walked about 10 feet when I heard quick foot steps behind me, then I felt a body hit me and I fell on the ground. I turned and looked behind me and saw ryū on the floor too laughing then she smiled at me "hey juzo."

I stood up then put my hand out to her "Hi ryū." She grabbed my hand and I helped her up. Then she smiled at me. I stared at her "why are you making that face?"

She smiled wider "I love you juzo."

"Okay." I said flatly.

She grinned then quickly came up to me and grabbed my face then she pushed my lips onto hers. I got a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach yet I didn't back away. I just let her lips touch mine. Then she let go of my face and took a step back. She smiled 'do you love me too?"

"Why would I love you just cause you smooshed our faces together?" I said confused.

She laughed "its called a kiss juzo. It means you love someone."

I put my hand up to my lips and felt them then looked back at her. "I don't care. I don't love you. Love is only for people who want to feel pain." I turned around and started to walk away.

Then ryū grabbed my arm "wait!"

I looked at her "yeah?"

She smiled "can I come over to your house?"

I smiled "sure! We can play games." I heard someone behind me giggle and whisper to the person next to them.

Ryū blushed and grabbed my hand and started to walk "come on lets just go."


Shinohara pulled up to the driveway with me and ryū in the back seat then I saw yokubo in our driveway. Shinohara went on inside and me and ryū got out of the car. Yokubo smiled at me then looked over at ryū. He grin widened "oh who's this juzo?"

I frowned "what are you doing here?"

She walked closer to me and put her hand on my cheek "didn't you miss me darling?" She put a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled. Her bright green eyes shining at me.

Then I saw ryu's hand grab yokubos arm and pull it away from my face. I looked at ryū and saw her eyes full of anger "can you do me a favor and not touch juzo."

Yokubo laughed and smiled at ryū "why does he belong to someone. I can't imagine who. All I see is a beautiful girl, juzo, and......some teenage boy in a dress." She smirked.

Ryu's eyes filled with more anger. "Yes he is taken! And by me! A girl!"

Yokubo grinned "so your a girl? I could have never guessed." She turned to me. "Juzo I was wondering if you remember me now. Because I certainly remember you."

I looked at her with a blank face "I don't remember you." I turned to ryū. "Let's go inside."

Ryū smiled "okay."

We walked past yokubo then she grabbed my arm "wait up juzo." She grinned "what about me? Can't we have fun too?"

I stared at her and examined her. She looked almost like a doll. She was too perfect. Her hair was long and shiny and red, her eyes were bright green and glowing, she had flawless pale white skin, even her eyelashes were long and beautiful. I appreciate her beauty but it seems too........perfect. She was also wearing a different dress then from earlier. This one was yellow and went down a little past her knees. She was wearing some white flats with it. And her tattoo was clearly revealed. I stared at it then looked up at her. If I want to know who she is then I need to let her inside. I sighed "you can come in too."

She grinned "thank you." Then she walked into the door with ryū.


We went into my room and I shut the door. Yokubo sat on my bed and looked around. She smiled "I like your room juzo. It must be alot better then your last one." She smiled at me.

Ryū walked up to yokubo and stood in front of her. "I don't like you. You need to stay away from juzo or your going to have to deal with me. And I bet I can kick your girly little ass."

Yokubo laughed "do you really think you could? Because I'll gladly have a fight with you. But I'm warning you......." She grinned "if you want to live I wouldnt."

Ryū frowned "you better watch yourself. I'm not going to let you take juzo away from me just cause you have a pretty face."

I walked up to ryū and touched her arm. She looked at me then backed away and leaned against the wall in the corner with her arms crossed. I looked at yokubo "who are you? And where do I know you from?"

She smiled "I'm sure you will remember soon."

I frowned "your name is blood list isn't it?"

She grinned "I don't know. Maybe. What do you think........goodboy."

My eyes widened. How does she know my name in the arena? Who is she? "Shut up! Only mama can call me a good boy!"

She smiled "did I hit a nerve." She crossed her legs then looked into my eyes. She flipped her hair "you will remember me soon. Don't worry."

Ryū walked up beside me "juzo what is this about? Do you know her from your past?"

I looked at ryū "I don't know."

Yokubo stood up then kissed me on the cheek. She grinned at ryū then looked back at me "goodbye juzo. I have to go now. I'll be back sooner then you think."

I glared at her as she walked out "stay away from me weird girl."

Yokubo laughed and turned "wow. You really don't remember me. I guess that's for the better. If you remembered me it would ruin everything." She walked out.

I turned to ryū who was looking at the ground with clenched fists. "I'm going to kill her." I saw tears in her eyes. I've never seen ryū like this.

I smiled and put my arm around her shoulders. "Stop being so weird ryū. I think your a really pretty girl. Your definitely not a guy."

She smiled and looked at me "you can be really sweet sometimes juzo. I wish you would just admit your feelings to me." She wiped her eyes.

I looked down at her and frowned then took my arm off her "ryū you can't irritate yokubo."

"What? Why?!"

I looked down "you won't win a fight with her. You are not stronger then yokubo. She's much stronger then you."

Her eyes widened. "Are you saying she's better then me juzo?"

I stared into her eyes "yes. Your weak and you don't know how to take care of yourself."

I saw tears form in her eyes "well fuck you juzo!! I don't care what you say!! I'm strong! I can take care of myself!!! I don't need you to protect me! Especially from some prissy girl like that!" She stormed out the door and left.

I stared into my empty room. My heart felt.....heavy. I walked over and shut the door. Then I just stood in my room. Then I shook my head and put a smile on my face. "Aren't I such a good boy mama?"

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