chapter 16

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It was a very long day of school but its finally over. Shinohara came and picked me up from school and he brought me donut. I lifted up my bag and smiled at shinohara while he was driving. "I got lots of things at school today."

He smiled as we pulled into the driveway "that's cool"

When we stopped we got out and went inside. I sat on the couch and pulled a bunch of papers out of my bag. Then walked up to shinohara "teachers kept giving me these."

He looked at them and started laughing. "Juzo these are all referrals! What did you do?"

He set them on the counter and read each one

-disrespectful behavior towards teacher
-drawing on the classroom wall
-stapling his body
-tieing teachers shoelaces together when they weren't looking
-trowing food
-stealing students lunch
-handing in a paper with every answer as death
-singing during a test
-stealing a stapler
-cutting another students hair
-sewing his skin in class
-scaring other students

Shinohara looked at me with wide eyes "dang kid. How could you possibly do all this in one day? Why did you tie your teachers shoelaces together juzo?"

I smiled "his shoes were untied so I went to tie them for him and I decided it would be prettier if they were connected."

"Okay. And why did you write all your answers as death?"

"Because everything ends in death so I thought that since eventually death will be the correct answer that it would count." I said flatly. I sighed "I got lots of good boy points taken away. Mama will be cross with me."

Shinohara sighed and grabbed a pen "juzo those aren't goodboy points. They are grade points." He started to sign all the referrals.

I walked into the kitchen and took a popsicle out of the freezer. "What are grade points?"

He sighed "they are the points for how smart you are. Sort of."

I started to eat the popsicle. "Oh. So I need lots of those points then?"

He nodded. "Yep that's right juzo."

I walked over to the couch, sat down and started to watch TV. Shinohara walked in after me and sat with me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.


I woke up the next day and squinted my eyes from the bright light. I got dressed and walked out of my room. I saw shinohara running around and picking things up. When he saw me he stopped "oh your awake! Hurry up and help me pick up the house! My boss is coming over today!" He looked at me again. "Wait no! I need to get you to school! Go get dressed juzo!" He ran around panicked. I just walked back into my room and got dressed. When I came out the house was alot cleaner. Shinohara ran up to me and handed me an apple. "Come on lets go!" He ran out the door. I looked at down at the apple in my hand then ran out the door after him. He was already in the car and as soon as I got in he started to drive. I glanced out the window and saw a cat. I smiled but then I couldn't see it anymore.

When we got to the school he told me to get out then quickly drove away. I started to eat the apple as I walked to the school. Then a girl bumped into me. She had short green hair and brown eyes. She smiled at me, "sorry bout that." She looked at my arms. "What did ya do to your arms?"

I backed up because she was too close to me. I shrugged and tried to walk past her but she jumped in front of me with her hand out. "I'm ryū! Nice to meet ya!" I nodded and tried to walk away again but she grabbed my arm. "Does it hurt?" She pressed her fingers into one of my wounds. I turned around and looked at her. I shook my head then ripped the bandage off exposing my gruesome wound that was now turning a yellow color. She smiled and got closer. I backed up not wanting to be anywhere near this girl. She kept getting closer and I almost tripped trying to get away. She smiled "woah! How did you get that?!"

I took two steps back from her then spoke quietly "a pencil."

She laughed "wow! You must be really clumbsy."

"I'm not clumbsy I just was showing the lady that I couldn't feel pain."

She smiled wide again "you can't feel pain!! That's soooo cool!!" She got closer to me "can I test it out?!"

I backed up. "Uhhh...."

Then she pulled out a pocket knife out of her pocket, grabbed my arm and made a small slice on my wrist. She smiled at me still holding my arm. "Woah. You didn't even flinch. That's so cool!!!"

I pulled my arm away and looked at the blood. I couldn't help but smile. Then I looked at her "can I have your knife?"

She set the knife in my hand "sure. I got another one at home."

I smiled at the knife "I'm used to them being bigger but this will do."

She got even closer to me. Her face was almost touching mine. She smiled at me with wide eyes "I bet you've killed someone before, haven't you!!!?! That's amazing! What did it feel like! Did you get to see them cry?!" She giggled

I backed up and looked at her angrily "stop getting in my face girl. I only let people in my space if I'm going to kill them."

She grinned "I knew it! You have killed someone!" Once again she moved closer to me with a large grin on her face. "I bet your a little psycho aren't ya!"

I took my foot and tripped her onto the ground then walked away towards the school. When I was inside I sat at one of the tables in the courtyard and examined the knife. Then I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over and saw the girl. "Ya know you should put that away before you get caught."

I stuck the knife in my pocket then looked at her curiously. "You said your name is ryū. What does that mean? I think I've heard it before."

She smiled then put her hands up like claws "it means dragon. Rawr!!" I nodded then took my lunch out of my bag and started to eat it. She looked over my shoulder at my lunch "why the heck you eatin that now?"

I turned to her and smiled "its called ramen. It's really yummy."

She laughed "well yeah I know that. But why are you eating your lunch now?"

I kept eating "oh. cause at lunch time lots of other kids brought lunch so I can just eat theirs."

She smiled "oh you've got a friend sharing with you then."

I turned to her confused "of course not. Why would I have a friend when I can just hurt people to get what I want."

She frowned "you ain't got no friends?"

I smiled "Mr. Shinohara!"

"Wait. As in investigator shinohara?!?"

"Yep" I said and ate more ramen.

She put her hands in the air and smiled "oh. My. God. He's one of the best ghoul investigators ever! I love him so much! He's killed so many ghouls!"

I shrugged "well its not that hard to kill a ghoul."

"Uh yeah it is! You wouldn't know." She said angrily.

I sighed "I think it's you that wouldn't know."

She put her hands on her hips. "I know more then you! I have read almost all the books about ghouls made! I bet you don't even know what a ghoul looks like!"

I laughed "I know what ghouls look like." I pointed to my eye "they have pretty eyes!"

She looked at me and smiled "you do know!!" The Bell rung and I stood up and started to walk to class. The screamed out to me "bye whoever you are! See ya later! We can talk more about ghouls!" I kept walking relived that she was gone. I didn't like her touching me.

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