Chapter Twenty

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Aida’s POV

Something was bothering me and trust me, I was going crazy as we all walked back to Kuroko’s place. I saw him hug and whisper something to Himeko that got her blushing the rest of the way back!

Now why am I bothered?


Seriously though, these two are developing something and they don’t even know it! Or maybe they do… Or perhaps there already is something between the two of them that they haven’t opened up to me and the rest of the team? Does Kagami know about it yet? Why wouldn’t they tell us? Wait, I’m not even sure about this all…


I sighed to myself and closed my eyes for a bit.

"Yo, coach, is something wrong?" Hyuga asked me and I sighed once more.

"Those two over there are so dense that even I'm getting depressed." Hyuga chuckled. 

"Can't help it, I guess. I actually expected less from Kuroko. I just thought he wouldn't give much of a damn for Himeko. In other words, he's actually doing pretty good." I nodded.

"You could say that."

We arrived at Kuroko's place and dropped him and Himeko off. Kagami stayed behind as well since they were gonna be studying first thing in the morning. I don't get these three. We're the seniors here yet everything's chill...

But then again, my grades are starting to drop......
Himeko's POV

"I give up," I muttered as I dropped my math book to the floor. Kuroko, Kagami and I were on the floor, studying for mid-terms. If I went on any longer, my head would explode.

"What's wrong?" Kagami asked and I sighed. "I don't get it, it's so complicated," I said as I fixed up the book and pointed at the item I was checking out.

"Well.... Good luck with that," he said and returned back to his book. Kuroko chuckled as I slapped Kagami several times.

"Let me help you out," he said with a smile. "Arigato!"


Kagami's POV

"Oi, what's wrong with you?" I said, hitting Kuroko hard on the head. Himeko was back in the kitchen, making hot chocolate and I decided to have a decent talk with the little lover boy.

"Ouch!" he yelped. "What do you mean what's wrong with me?"

"There's so much friction between you and Himeko over there and you still haven't made a move?! Are you freaking crazy?!?!"

"I see where you're going but don't you think it's still a bit too early to make a move?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S TOO EARLY?! YOU LEAVE HER WAITING TOO LONG AND SHE'LL GET SICK OF-... Wait... What?!?" Yeah, something took me aback for a second.

"What's wrong?" Kuroko asked innocently.

"Back there, you said it's too early to make a move..."

"Well, yes, didn't you hear me?"

"I-I heard you but.... You mean you actually plan on making a move?!"

He stayed silent.

"DUDE TELL ME, DO YOU LIKE HIMEKO OR WHAT?!" I half yelled, half whispered. He went silent but I could tell that he was blushing. Plus, he looked away. I smirked and nudged him.

"So? When ARE you gonna make your move?"


"Sorry for making you wait," Himeko said, entering the living room with a smile and a tray with three cups on it.

"Let me help," Kuroko said with a smile and took the tray from her.

This boy has got it bad.


Yes, I hate how short it is as well but come on. Isn’t that just freaking adorable? You gotta admit, it was so worth it :3

Stay awesome!

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