Chapter Ten

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Kuroko's POV

I sighed, taking in a deep breath of morning air as I was making pancakes for breakfast. I wonder if Miyuki-chan likes pancakes...

"Kuroko-kun?" I heard Miyuki suddenly mutter. I turned around and saw her yawning. I chuckled and finished up the pancakes.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Horrible," was all she could say. I shook my head and set the table as she sat on one of the chairs.

"You're going to have to rest for the whole day if you want to get well soon," I said with a small smile and she nodded, stuffing her mouth with pancakes. I chuckled and ate as well. My cellphone suddenly rang. I checked and saw that I got a text message from Kagami.

"Oi! You better get your butt down to practice today otherwise, coach is gonna punish ME!"

I shook my head and sighed. Kagami-kun was going to have to endure some pain today, or else, no one will be here to take care of Miyuki-chan.

"Etou, is something wrong?" she asked and I shook my head, pouring some hot chocolate into her mug. She thanked me and we both continued eating.

After breakfast, I grabbed a few pillows from the bedroom and placed them on the couch where I laid Miyuki-chan.

I was right about her fever. She was really hot...

I mean warm....

I mean.....

Ugh... She just has a really high fever. 


Kagami's POV

I swear I'm gonna kill Kuroko once I see him!

"O-oi! Riko, go easy on him!" the senpai's said as Riko-senpai bended the hell out of my back. Trust me, it effin hurts.

"I thought I told you to tell Kuroko to come today!" she yelled. "WHY ISN'T HE HERE?!?!"

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I yelled back but I only got more pain in return.

"Riko-chan, maybe Kuroko isn't feeling well," one of them said but coach answered with anger.


I'm doomed. 


Riko's POV

"What the freaking hell is going on..." I muttered as I saw Himeko-chan on Kuroko's couch, asleep, with Kuroko sitting on the floor beside her.

"I saw her last night in the rain and let her stay over," was all Kuroko said. I stayed silent, still shocked at the sight.

"This is kind of weird to see," Kagami muttered and we all nodded. They have their own side of the story while I was thinking of something else. Then I noticed a towel on Himeko's forehead.

"Is something wrong?" I asked and Kuroko nodded.

"She stayed under the rain for too long and caught a fever." So that's how it is. Now I suddenly regret inflicting some pain on Kagami but I kept silent to maintain my dignity.

"Ara?" I heard Himeko mutter.

"Ah, sorry for waking you," Kagami said and we all smiled at her clueless face. As emotionless as she usually looks, she looked pretty sad. Well of course, I mean, she has a fever. But why do I get the feeling that there's something more than that going on. I sighed.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Kuroko stood to see who it was. I wasn't surprised to see Kise standing there with a worried look on his face.

"W-where is Hime?" he asked and Himeko stirred.

"Kise-kun?" she muttered. Kuroko and Kise rushed to her side.

"How are you holding up?" Kise asked and Himeko just sighed. Kise knew something the rest of us didn't know but I guess things will have to stay that way for a while.

"Wait, don't you have only one bed?" Kise asked Kuroko and he nodded.

 "She didin't want me to stay on the floor so I slept beside her." Kise chuckled.

"She looks like an angel when asleep, doesn't she?" The two had a little understanding while the rest of the team, excluding me, where getting all grumpy about the fact that they never got the chance to see Himeko asleep. They argued a bit with Kise and Kuroko and I have to admit, it was getting pretty noisy.

"Oi! Quiet down, you're bothering Himeko," Kagami said and the rest kept silent. Himeko stifled a yawn and the team practically gawked at how cute she looked.

"Minna-san, Miyuki probably should get some sleep so if you want to stay, please quiet down," Kuroko said as he was about to pick up Himeko bridal style.

This seriously looks weird. 


Ain’t It just adorable? Well? What did ya’ think! Comment down below and don’t forget to rape the vote button! Not literally cuz… that would be weird.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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