Chapter Thirteen

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Himeko's POV

"What's going on?" I asked as I entered Seirin's basketball court. Kuroko was standing in the middle of the court with Kagami, Kise, Midorima, Aomine, and two other dudes.

"I introduce to you the Generation of Miracles," a pink haired girl said to me, appearing from behind.

"Momoi is my name. I used to be the coach of Kiseki no Sedai. Akashi told me to gather everyone to meet you," she said.

"Umm... for what reason?"

"To play against you of course," Aomine said.

"Well... I'm fine with that but if I lose, do I lose the free milkshakes?" I asked him. He looked a bit confused but answered.

"Will that devastate you?" I nodded. "Then yes."

Now its personal. Time to destroy a few people. 


Aida's POV

Seven against one? Hardly seems fair... for the boys.

They all were in position and the ball was tossed. Kagami and Himeko jumped but Kagami grabbed the ball first. They both landed and Himeko sped for Kagami. She was too quick to be blocked by the other team. Kise ran towards her, going in her way to slow her down but she faked to the right and went left, grabbing the ball from Kagami. She ran and went straight for the hoop.

"She's dunking!" Akashi yelled and Murasakibara ran to jump and block her. Height didn't matter at this point. Himeko's jump was much too powerful and she dunked past the giant. She hung from the hoop and dropped herself to the floor.

Murasakibara grabbed the ball and passed to Kuroko who passed it to Aomine. They all ran. Kise and Kagami blocked Himeko. She couldn't go pass them so she went...


She slid under Kagami's legs and ran towards Aomine. He passed to Kuroko and the ball went straight to Midorima who was about to shoot a three pointer.

Himeko suddenly appeared in front of him and she jumped, pushing the ball behind him. She fell and ran towards it, shooting a three pointer.

It was a fast paced game and positions didn't matter at this point.

"She really is a monster on the court.. " Momoi muttered and I nodded.

"You can't read her. It’s impossible."

The first half passed and the score was already 109-87. Himeko was winning.

"I didn't think the guys would even reach past fifty," Hyuga said and I shook my head.

"They're fighting against an opponent of no other kind. They're going at full power," Momoi said and I nodded.

The game resumed and Himeko ran fast. Kuroko grabbed the ball though and passed to Kagami. He dunked and smirked. Himeko was starting to sweat.

She's going to blow anytime soon.

"There's no way I'm losing this," I heard her say.

"Stop going easy on us and play," Akashi said. "You're hurting my manly pride."

Himeko smirked. "As you wish."

They continued and Himeko had the ball. She was running way too fast for my eyes to follow. She was suddenly close to the hoop and she dunked. The ball was suddenly in Kuroko's hands and he passed to Kise who ran and passed to Akashi. He did an alley oop. The third quarter continued this way, Himeko shooting more than Kiseki no Sedai.

Himeko was already running, and then she was blocked by Kagami and Aomine.

She really was hurting their pride.

She faked and ran past them but Murasakibara blocked her too. Akashi was already running with the ball in his hands. Himeko ran quickly, she was a lion running for her prey.

A monster indeed.

"Oi! Block her!" Aomine yelled as they all ran. They were doing everything they can to stop her but she was unstoppable. She was a beast. She grabbed the ball and ran towards the other side of the court.

I don't know how but light started glowing around her. Kuroko, Aomine and Kagami stopped in their tracks. The rest kept running and as Himeko slowed down a bit to shoot, she was blocked by Murasakibara and Midorima. She jumped and did a freaking formless shot.

"Stop this," Aomine said with a sigh. "I know when I've been beat. This game is over."

"You don't say," Kise said, pointing at the score board.


"To be beaten by a girl, honestly," Midorima said with a sigh. "And here I thought today was a lucky day."

"Is that really what you should be worrying about?" Momoi asked. "A girl just beat Kiseki no Sedai. Akashi couldn't predict it and Aomine had just been beat."

"Like I said, I know when I've been beat," Aomine said. "It’s a pain in the ass but she deserves the credit and her free milkshakes."

Himeko just drank a bit of water then bowed at the guys.

"Thanks for the game," she said. "You all played well." She stood up straight and was surprised to see all of Kiseki no Sedai bowing at her.

"A girl of your skill deserves our respect," Akashi said.

"Ne, why don't we all eat out," Kise said. "It’s been a while." The Generation of Miracles nodded and Himeko smiled.

"Me and the team are gonna have to back out," I said. "They're training overnight."

There was a collective yell among Seirin's team and Kagami and Kuroko sighed, glad that they could skip. 


Did you enjoy? Cuz I sure did! You know… writing it ehehe. Comment, vote, do whatever! Just stay bunnylicious!


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