“Why are you defending her? Please don’t tell me that that’s who you’re into now?” I almost exclaimed.

“What if I say yes?” He said. I got up from the floor and I jumped off the stage.

“I can’t believe you like her! Do I even want to know how it happened?” I turned around to face him.

“It just happened. We were at a party and I was feeling down about our break-up. She was there and one thing led to another. We talked and I felt like we connected on a different level then we had.” He seemed in a daze.

“I hope you know that she just likes my seconds. You’re not the first one she has gone after. I went out with Johnny Diaz and a week after we broke up; guess who she was going out with? Then, I went on a date with that foreign exchange student from France and like three days later, guess who he was going out with? I’m sorry to burst your bubble but you’re just another object in her little game.” I said acidly.

“You’re just saying that because you’re jealous. Look at you; you’re practically seething in rage!” Gio countered.

“Why am I even bothering with this? I don’t care what you do, go live your life, go be part of her game. I don’t care what happens to you. You’ve always been stubborn.” I said and I began to walk away from him. I felt like crying, but I didn’t want to show him any weakness.

Gio was a good boyfriend when we went out. He was always a gentleman and even though we only went out for almost a year he was special to me. He was the ONE, if you know what I mean. Over summer we started drifting apart, it wasn’t because of the sex but I felt like I was maturing faster than him. We parted on good terms and that’s why I believed we could be good friends in the end. I guess I was wrong.

I reached the storage room, the place where they keep extra tables and chairs. I didn’t hear Gio behind me so I was caught off guard when someone took me into their arms. I didn’t realize I had tears running down my cheeks when I pulled away.

“Are you okay?” Taylor asked.

“Taylor! I thought you were someone else.” I said and I tried to pull away from him but he didn’t let me. He held me even tighter.

“No, don’t pull away. I couldn’t fair well if you’d pull away from me.” He whispered.

“Can you stop trying to make this work?” I tried not to shout but I was getting angry. The first thing I didn’t want for senior year was guy drama, and here I was crying over two guys.

“I’m sorry, do you want me to kick his ass for you?” he said to lighten up the mood.

“No thanks, I could do it myself but he’ll need all his brain cells to deal with –wait did you hear us argue? How long where you out here?” I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand.

“I heard up to the part about you guys just pretending to be together and then your argument.” He said.

“That’s all you heard?” I held my breath.

“Yes,” he said honestly. I exhaled silently.

“Well, thanks for your help, but I don’t need it. I need to think about stuff and I need –”

“A Cookies-N-Cream Hershey Bar with a Caramel Frappuchino. I see you haven’t change. Why don’t we ditch the rest of the day and go get you some?” He offered. His smile was placed crookedly.

I felt frozen in place and I couldn’t move. His smile was dazzling. He was perfect. His skin was tanned and his face structure was sharp and defined. His eyes were a honey brown with a tint of green around the iris. His hair was cut to emphasize his face features. His black hair played well with the color of his eyes. I began to wonder why we ever broke up, but I decided not to go down memory lane.

The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now