A New Maid And A Beautiful Bachelor Dont Mix! :[13]: The Fiancé

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As A child I have always been somewhat naive,

As a child I could forever dream,

Yet, I wasn't a child anymore,

And I so desperately wish for those tender naive days.


I stand there debating, waiting for some miracle as I find myself unable to move, unable to believe that she, Amber Livingston,was standing just a few feet away from me. It was outrageous.

Yet, like all nightmares, this was one I can't just simply wake up from. It was one that was unavoidable.

Just from standing there, I can clearly see the annoyance that was planted in her expression. It didn't take a mind reader to tell that she was thinking degrading thoughts about the Myths new maid. Hell, I bet a million that right now she was stating that my somewhat messy short hair and lack of makeup today was a red carpet DON'T. She, of course confirms this when her rose lips liftes up in a very malicious smirk.

"Well? Are you going to let me in or admire me all day? I must say though, I don't like girls checking me out." She said while emphasizing her last statement with disgusted sneer. I couldn't help but roll my eyes before side stepping from the door so the all mighty, perfumed go-go girl could enter.

I prefer guys, not hags like you. I thought as I mentally gag, seeing her strut in with some sort of purpose. She even made the bitchy move of tossing her hair in front of my face in order to hit me with her golden locks, which I nearly miss as I shut the door behind her. Apparently no one has heard of discreet hostility now in days.

"Dagan! Your one and only has arrived!" If I doubled over laughing and died, this would most likely have been the day. The look on Dagan's face was absolutely priceless as he turns from the couch to see the tall legged model dive bomb him from behind. The poor man had only two seconds of time to see this in action before her bust was in his face, which to say, somewhat sparked a small unsettling emotion inside of me. Yet, it was quickly brushed aside when Dagan detaches the blonde from him.

"Amber, what are you doing here?" He questions with utter shock, apparently not expecting to see her. From this I couldn't help but feel more relaxed. Honestly, what I would have done if they were expecting the red lights districts most famous star?

"Oh, the film I was staring in America is done. Now they're just fixing it and should be an Box office hit! You should have been there darling, you would have loved California!" She gushes, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in as she rests her head against his broad shoulder with a satisfied smile. There was that weird, icky feeling again.

"Well, is good to hear that you had fun, but I didn't expect you to be back so quickly." He remarks softly, looking at the girl with a puzzled glance before causally wrapping his arms around her. Now I just felt dizzy, if not possibly sick. I mean, look how cheesy it this is, it's like one of those mushy soap operas!

Tearing my eyes from the scene, I look over to the parents, expecting them to probably gaze at the pair with some sort of admiration, yet the only one who seemed to appreciate the sight was Mr. Myth.

To my surprise, it was Dagan's mother that didn't seem to be liking the picture. In fact, she almost seemed she was observing some play, a play that she found to have bad acting. Perplexed, I glance back toward to too, and to my horrible delight, it seems that Dagan expression wasn't one of one of glee to be holding the gorgeous blonde. It was like a force habit of some sort rather than affection.

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