Part 47

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“So…” I whistled.

“What?” Justin asked.

“Well, uh, Nikki has something planned for the six of us. You know, Sel, Chaz, and Ryan, herself, and you and I.”

“Really, that’s cool.” He smiled.

“Yeah, but, it’s at a super fancy restaurant.”

“So?” He asked.

“Well, this might be awkward, but, it’s like a triple date.” I mumbled.

He just looked at me, smirking slightly. He chuckled and smiled. “So let me guess; Selena and Chaz, Ryan and Nikki, and me and you?”

“Uh-huh.” I nodded my head nervously.

“Okay.” He shrugged.


“We can go together, as friends.” He grinned.

“Uh, yeah, as friends.” I muttered.

Just friends…

I really hate this friendship I have with Justin. It’s taking all my will power not to just leap into his arms and kiss him. I miss his touch, his smell, his arms around me, I miss everything. I look at him as he cooked the grilled cheese sandwiches. His arms flexed a little as he reached over to grab a spatula.

“Do you need help?” I asked.

“Yeah, could you pour some soda?” He nodded his head over to the fridge.


 I hopped off the counter and open the fridge. I take out the bottle of root beer and two glass cups from the cabinet. I pour the soda into the cups and leave it on the counter, just in case we wanted more. He placed the two grilled cheese sandwiches on separate plates and set them on the table. I sat down across from him and handed him his drink.

We ate quietly, glancing at each other, once in a while.

“What do you wanna do?” Justin asked me.

“What do you mean?”

“Like, what do you wanna do, before this dinner thing?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I shrugged. I looked around and saw Carson’s skates in the corner of the living room and I got an idea. “Wanna go ice skating?” I asked.

“Sure! I haven’t skated since my last time in Canada.” He grinned.

“Uh, actually, you skated with me back in Chicago.” I mumbled.

“What was that?” He asked, leaning across the table, to hear me.


The door busted open and Nikki staggered in, laughing. She stumbled into the kitchen and sat next to Justin, clutching her stomach.

“I can’t breathe! My sides hurt f-f-from laughing t-t-too much! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” She gasped, leaning onto Justin’s shoulder. If Justin didn’t forget Nikki’s personality, he would probably laugh along with her just for the fun of it, but since he did, he just looked at Nikki as if she was on drugs.

“Are you okay?” Justin raised an eyebrow at her.

“Y-Yeah! I h-h-had a great time today!” She snorted.

“Nikki, let’s go over to our room and talk about your day.” I suggested, getting up from the table. I pulled Nikki up the stairs and lead her to the room. She continued to laugh and fell onto her bed.

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