Part 26

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I was hanging out with Chaz, we were at the park. We just finished packing for the tour and we decided to go here. I was sitting on Chaz's lap as he pushed us lightly back and forth on the swing.

"Selena?" Chaz asked.

"Yeah Chazzy." I answered him.

"I love you." He said.

"Aww I love you too babe." I smiled and turned around to kiss him, it was a long passionate kiss.

"No Selena, I mean I really love you. With all my heart." He said, caressing my cheek.

"I do too Chaz, you mean the world to me." I grinned and gave him a big hug.

"I need to ask you something." Chaz said nervously.

"What, what wrong?" I frowned slightly. He nudged me off his lap and he stood up. He walked in front of me and kneeled. I gasped as he pulled out a little, black velvet box from his pocket.

"Selena Marie Gomez, ever since I met you I knew you had to be mine. You are the reason I wake up every morning, to see your beautiful face. I love the way you make me feel everytime you kiss me. And I love the way you make me happy and laugh every time I get upset. I want to wake up every morning to see you sleeping beside me, Selly, will you marry me?" He asked.

So many thing went through my head; I love Chaz, but am I ready to get married? My Mother never believed in a young marriage, but is nineteen really that young? I love my Dad, and I haven't talked to him in a while, I never even told him I was dating Chaz.

But this isn't their life.

This is my life.

My decision.

I look down at Chaz, tears forming in my eyes.

"C-Chaz, words can't describe how much I love you, b-but I don't know if I'm ready to get married right now." I cried, letting out the tears.

"Oh Selly, the last thing I wanted to do to you was make you cry, I understand if you don't want to marry me right now. Maybe I picked the wrong time, I'm sorry." Chaz whispered as he stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"N-no, it's not your fault, I love you and I do want to marry you. I just don't know what to choose." I whimper.

"Well, I can wait for you to make a decision. I'll wait forever." Chaz said as he pecked my lips.

"I love you Chazzy." I whispered

"I love you too, Selly." He whispered back.

*Present Time*


I still don't know what to choose, Chaz has been so nice to me. Kat continues to rub my back as I cry into her chest. She strokes my hair, telling me comforting words.

"Why are you so upset? Aren't you happy that he proposed?" Kat asked, confused.

"I am happy that he did, but I don't want my Mom getting mad at me if I make a wrong decision." I cry.

"What makes you think that marrying Chaz is a wrong decision?" She asks.

"I don't know, maybe 'cause we're too young..." My voice trailed off.

"Being young is awesome! You don't want to get married when you're like sixty, do you?" She giggles.

"No, I guess not." I smile. Maybe Kat's right, I should live the moment now, not worry about the future. I shouldn't marry Chaz beacaue of what we did...I should marry him becaue I love him and whatever happens, Chaz and I will go through it....Together. I wipe away my tears and put a smile on my face. Kat and I walk out of the fitting room and head over to our gang. I see Justin, Chaz, and Ryan sitting in a corner on their phones, bored out of their minds. I giggle when Nikki runs over to Ryan and tells him to help her shop.

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