Part 35

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I wake up and find Justin's side of the bed empty. I roll over, he hasn't left that long ago. His spot was still warm, I sigh in content as I curl into a ball. Today I plan on just taking it easy while Justin goes over to a recording session and Pattie going to have lunch with her boyfriend. My phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey babe, you awake?" Justin asks happily.

"Yeah, I woke up like two minutes ago." I chuckle.

"Oh cool, listen. I'll be back by lunch time. Okay?"

"Alright Justin, take care."

"You too, I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." I giggle.


Hmmm, I'm already up. So what should I do? I look around the room and see my suitcase poking out from the closet. I guess I'll just unpack my clothes and then eat breakfast. I throw the covers off me and get out of bed. I pull my suitcase from the closet and set it on the bed. I unzip it and see my neatly folded clothes inside. I grab a pile of clothes, making sure I don't ruin them, and place them in the empty dresser Justin let me use. I put my jeans and shorts in the middle drawer, shirts and tank tops, in the top drawer. And my bras and panties in the bottom drawer. I peel off my clothes and put on my favorite pair of sweats and a green T-shirt. I pull on some un-matched socks and walk down the stairs.

I pull out the package of Oreo's and take out the carton of milk. I pour the milk in a glass cup and take out five cookies. I turn on the TV and flip it onto the Ellen Show. I dip my cookie into the milk as Ellen talks about the upcoming event for this week on her show. On Friday, Greyson's gonna be performing. Yea! He's an amzing singer and pianist.

"Now, give it up for our SECRET special guest, Justin Bieber!" Ellen cheers. I choke on my milk and stare at the TV. Justin walks out, grinning. He gives Ellen a hug and plops down on the seat next to hers.

"Hi Ellen." Justin smiles.

"Hey sweetie, I haven't seen you in such a long time! You got taller!" Ellen laughs, making everyone laugh too.

"Yeah, thanks."

"So, Justin. What have you been doing all this time?" Ellen asks him.

"Eh, you know, I just finished my tour and I was spending time with some friends." Justin shrugs.

"Any "special friends" lately?" Ellen nudges his shoulder.

"Uhhh, maybe." Justin blushes.

"Awww who is it!?!" Ellen grins.

"Her name is Kat, she's my girlfriend." Justin blushes even more.

Awww how cute! I make him blush.

The audience "awwws" and claps thier hands louder and longer than they have to.

"So, is she here with you? Right now?" Ellen asks.

"Naw, we just got back from tour so she's just chilling at home. But I called her like ten minutes ago and she's awake. I bet you she's watching this right now. She loves your show." Justin smiles.

"Awww how sweet! Everyone say hello to Kat!" Ellen and Justin wave into the camera and Justin blows a kiss.

"Hey Kat! Goodmorning! Love you!" Justin grins and flips his hair.

"I love you too!" I say to the TV.

"Well, we'll be back with Justin Bieber, after these commercial breaks!" Ellen says and it goes straight to a Clorox commercial.

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