Part 29

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I slowly open my eyes but quickly shut them back. The light is too bright, and my head feels like it's about to explode! I groan and pull the covers over my head.

"Hi Shawty, you feeling better?" Justin yells.

"Don't yell." I mutter.

"I didn't, I'm whispering."

"Well, whisper quietly." I groan.

"I told you she was gonna have a hangover." Chaz chuckles.

"Who's on a hangover?" I ask.

"You are, silly." Selena giggles.

I open my eyes, I see Justin laying down beside me, Chaz and Selena sitting across from me, and Ryan and Nikki stood next Selena.

"Turn off the lights." I say.

"The lights are off." Justin whispers.

"Ugghh." I groan. I cover my eyes by burying my face into Justin's chest, he chuckles and strokes my hair gently.

"Can I have an aspirin?" I ask.

"Sure, I'll get it." Ryan says and I hear him walk off. My eyes adjust to the brightness and I sit up straight on the bed, sitting on Justin's lap. Carson walks in.

"Hey kiddo." I smile weakly.

"What? Kiddo? I thought I was a tall elf." He smirks.

"What in the world, are you talking about?" I ask, with my eyebrow raised.

"See? This is why she HAS to stay away from maple syrup, she totally forgets what happened the day before." Nikki laughs.

"What did I do?" I ask frantically.

"Well, you went all crazy on me when we went to the pier." Justin started. "Then you sang with some other people-" I cut him off.

"I did what?!?" I shouted.

"You went all crazy on him." Ryan says as he hands me a little pill with a glass of water.

"After that?!?"

"You sang, what's wrong?" Selena asks.

"Noooo! I didn't want to you to hear me sing!" I whine to Justin.

"Why? You sing great!" He smiles.

"Exactly! I only sing for my mom, nobody else." I say. "Well...I sang for her..." My voice trails off.

"Sorry about that Kit Kat." Nikki says and pulls me into a hug.

"It's alright, it's just that I haven't sung in such a long time that my voice is really bad." I explain.

"You were amazing at the sleepover." Nikki reminds me.

"And you were fantastic yesterday, even if you went high on maple syrup." Justin smirks. I blush and giggle. He pecks my cheek.


"Yup." He said, popping the "P"

"You guys, we have something to say." Selena says, gesturing to Chaz and herself.

"Okay, what's up?" Justin grins.

"Well, we need to get Usher, Scooter, and your Mom here too, so they can hear this." She explains.

Right on cue, User, Scooter and Justin's Mom walk in from the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Pattie tells me.

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