Part 39

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I cry and scream as the woman throws me into the back of her black SUV. She stuff a piece of fabric into my mouth, making me gag. I cry silently, huddled in the corner. There were many things in the here. But what caught my eye was the gun and the trash bag in the other corner. Oh no! I've seen this happen before! She's gonna shoot me and put my dead body into the trash can, then she'll bury my dead corspe in the middle of the forest.

I'm so terrified. I want to go home! I want to be with Justin! The car swerves, making me hit my head. I groan and I can hear her laugh. I feel the car park and she walks out of the car. She just left me here! What the heck? I looked at my tied hands and legs. Dang it! I need to get out of here! Finally, before I could think of a plan, two men open the back door and smirk.

I whimper and curl myself into a ball.

"Hello, beautiful." One of the growled. He had black hair and icy blue eyes. He was very muscular and tall. The other had brown hair and he was taller than the other. He climbed into the back and pick me up bridal style. I felt my tears pour down my face, he laughed evily and caressed my face with his dry hands. I tried to back away but he held onto my chin, really hard.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun." He smirked. He pulled the fabric out of my mouth and kiss me roughly. He's hurting me! He bites my lip hard and I yelp, he shoves his tongue into my mouth and tangles his fingers into my hair. I try to push him away but he has a strong grip on me.

"Stop! Help! Help Somebody!" I shriek as he pulls away. The one with brown hair slaps me across the face.

"Shut up!" He snaps. I sob quietly and nod my head quickly.

The dude with black hair puts me down on the ground and leads me into a warehouse. There was a lot of aisles filles with boxes. He opens a door and pushes me in.

"This is your room." He states. I look around and see a twin sized bed in the corner with a blanket and a pillow. There was a small toilet in the other corner and a shower, without a curtain.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour." The brown haired one says and they both walk away. I crawl to my bed and lay there. I look up at the cracked ceiling and the concrete walls. Why the heck is this happening to me? I roll over and feel something in my pocket. I pull it out and it's my iPod touch.

Oh my God! I can text Justin and tell him where I am! But wait, I don't even know where I am. Well, I can still text him. Please let me have wifi, I go to my settings and find two sources of wifi. One was   Nerms Corp. and Evil Rocks!

Well, atleast I know where I am and how stupid these guys to leave their wifi unlocked. I must say, they have good connection. I'm gonna call the guy with black hair Fred and the other one Carl. That will be easy to remember. I tap on my free texting app and scroll through my contacts. I tap on Justin's and quickly begin to text him.

Kat- Justin! Please save me! I'm scared!

I only waited a couple seconds to wait for a response.

Justin- Kat! Where are you?!? Are you okay?!?

Kat- I don't really know, I'm really scared, they kissed me....


Kat- Please come get me ;(

Justin- Katy, I need you to tell me exactly where you are.

Kat- I don't know! It's this warehouse thingy called Nerm's Corparation. It's really scared.

Justin- Okay, I'm gonna come get you, just dont text me from this number again. The phones are being wired, so I'll text you from another phone. And if they touch you again, don't be afraid to fight them. I love you, Shawty.

Don't Forget Me...(A Justin Bieber Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat