Part 31

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I crawl on my knees, looking under the beds. Everybody already left, leaving me to take care of Carson and Greyson. They thought it would be fun to play hide n seek, and boy were they good at it. I looked everywhere in this stupid bus! Where are they?!?

I groan loudly and climb up Usher's bunk bed, hoping to find one of them under the covers.


"C'mon you guys, this is boring! You win!" I shout. I hear something in the kitchen, it sounds like a chainsaw. What the heck is going on? It gets louder and faster, then BOOM!

"Greyson? Carson?" I ask nervously. I climb down slowly from the bed and hop off the ladder. I hear whispering and giggling.

"This isn't funny." I whisper as I walk to the kitchen. I kick the door open and I gasp. There was pink stuff all over the walls and counters. I look over to my right and see Carson and Greyson covered in the pink stuff too.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" I ask, looking at the liquid dripping from the ceiling.

"Well, um, since Greyson is our guest, I decided to make him a strawberry smoothie. I told him to look over the blender as I went to get some cups." Carson laughed nervously.

"So you left our GUEST take over the blender?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Yep, and he let me down." Carson says.

"What?!?" Greyson shouts.

"Whatever. Let's just clean this up before Pattie comes back home." I sigh.

"Alright." Carson huffs and picks up a rag. Carson mops the floor while Greyson and I wipe the counters and walls.

"Sorry about the mess Kat." Greyson apologizes.

"It's alright, you can take a shower and I'll get you some extra clothes." I tell him. I point to the bathroom and he walks away. Once Carson and I finish cleaning up the rest of the mess, I grab some extra clothes from Carson's suitcase and leave them outside the bathroom door. I knock on the door.

"Hey Grey, there's an extra change of clothes outside the door, okay?" I ask.

"Okie dokie." He says.

I decide to change into my pajamas too. I put on some sweats and a purple tanktop, and I throw my hair in a messy bun. Greyson comes back, in the PJ's I left him and sits down next to me.

"You smell good." I giggle.

"I smell like strawberries and cotten candy." Greyson frowns, and scrunches up his nose. "I smell like a girl!" He says. I start laughing and so does he.

"One time, I took a shower at Justin's house and I accidently used Axe shampoo and bodywash!" I laugh loudly, turning red. Greyson laughs louder, clutching onto his sides.

"What happened after that?" Greyson chuckles.

"Selena asked me why I smelled like a man." I giggle.

"HEY! LET'S PLAY COD!" Carson shouts. He didn't go shower and his clothes were still covered in milkshake.

"Carson, don't you dare sit on this couch. Go take a shower right now." I say with my arms crossed.

"Nooooo, I want to play with Greyson!" He whines.

"I rather listen to music, I don't care that much for videogames." Greyson shrugs.


"Well, I never got the concept of killing people on TV." Greyson says.

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