Part 32

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Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!

"Justin!" I cry and I run to my bed to get my purse. I dump out everything from my purse and grab my phone, I dial Justin's number.

"Please, pick up." I whisper.

"Hey, this is Justin," Justin says.

"Justin! Oh thank God you're-" I get cut off.

"Sorry I'm not here right now, either Chaz stole my phone, or I lost it, hahaha. Anyways just leave a message and I'll make sure to call you back later. Bye!" His voicemail says.

"If you would like to leave a message, please press-" The answering machine says, but I cut her off. Carson and Greyson walk up to me and hug me.

"M-maybe, there's a-another Justin Bieber." Carson smiles weakly, I shake my head and call Selena. She wouldn't answer either, and the rest of them left their phones here. I start to cry, where am I gonna go? Now I have nowhere to live, I don't want to go back with my father.

Greyson hugs me as Carson tries to get ahold of Pattie.

"It might be a rumor, or a joke." Greyson whispers.

"Joke? JOKE! WELL THAT'S A SICK JOKE! I WOULDN'T WISH IT ON ANYONE!" I shout and cry into his shoulder.

"Pattie's on her way here, with Usher and Scooter." Carson says and he flips his phone shut. I feel my chest tighten to I take two puffs from my inhaler. I take deep breaths, close my eyes, and try to picture Justin. But why should I picture him? He might be dead! Greyson and Carson try to comfort me, but it wasn't working.

"Where's Justin?" Pattie shouts as she runs to me.

"I-I don't know!" I sob.

"I need to know where my son is!" Pattie starts to cry and hugs me. We hugs each others, crying into each other's shoulders. Usher and Scooter are trying to contact him, but they had no luck. Who would kill Justin? I know he had a lot of haters, but they weren't capable of killing him, they were only teenage girls.

"My baby's dead!" Pattie wails.

"No he is not! Don't say that!" Usher reassures her, but she shakes her head and continues to sob. I turn around and see Carson and Greyson sitting on the couch, with their heads down. It looks like they're praying. I untangle myself from Pattie and walk over to them. I kneel beside them and start to pray.

"Dear Lord, I know I don't pray much, and when I do, it's usually because I want something. But please, this isn't about me, it's about Justin. Please make sure he is safe, make sure he's at the club with our friends, goofing off. If he'e dead, not only will it break my heart, it will break almost every girl's heart. His family and and friends will be devastated if they know he's dead. I'm begging you- Justin needs to be alive, he has to be- he has some much to look foward to in life.... I love him..." I whimper and cover my face with my hands, crying silently.

I take a deep breath and get up from the floor, I climb onto the couch and lay my head on Carson's lap. He rubs my back, telling me everything will be fine. I start to cry again, that's exactly what my Grandmother told me at my Mom's funeral, a month before she died. She lied to me, everything was not all right, my Dad ruined my life, I was broken- but then Justin fixed it, he fixed everything. I couldn't handle my Mom's death, how can I handle another?

"I think we should get some rest, if he isn't back by tomorrow afternoon, we'll file a missing person report." Scooter annouced and walks slowly over to his room.

"N-NO! W-We need to keep trying! We need to keep calling him!" I protest weakly.

"Sweetie, we all need to rest. Let's just call it a night." Pattie whispers.

"NO! How can you say that? Your son might be dead, and you want to call it a night!?!" I hissed at her, with venom in my voice.

"Kat, we need to rest, so we can look for him tomorrow." Usher says, as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"NO! IF YOU GUYS WON'T LOOK FOR HIM, I WILL!" I say as I pull away from him. I grab my sweater and run out the bus. They shout after me, but I ignore them. I run faster and faster, I don't even know what direction I'm going. I stop at the corner, and rest. My lungs are burning, I put my hand to my chest, gasping for air. I take a few deep breaths, I will not have a asthma attack, I need to find Justin. As my lungs beg for air, I put on my sweater, pulling the hood onto my head. I make a turn down a empty street. The building's lights were off and so were the streetlights. The only light there was, was a small sign on a brick building down the street.

"Justin!" I start shouting as I running.

"Justin, are you here?" I yell.

What's the point shouting his name, he might not be here. I shut up, not wanting to bring attention to myself. But who will I get attention from? There's nobody here.

I'm alone.

It starts to rain.

Just great.

Please note my sarcasm.

I huff and start walking down a street with more light in it. It was kinda pretty, except for the part that there are a bunch of hoboes eyeing me. I clench my fists, just incase they try to jump me or somthing. I can see from the corner of my eye lady, looking at me. I try to ignore it, but I can't. The way she looks at me, it's like she knows something that I don't. I turn my head a little. All I can is her dark skinny jeans, purple hoodie, covering her face. But the her dark brown hair was poking from the hood, it was a mess. I can see a smile creep onto her face, but this wasn't a friendly smile. It was like an...evil smile. She might not know anything, maybe that's just how she smiles, I don't want to look rude so I look away and walk a bit faster.

I hear her laugh.

Maybe she is....evil.

I mentally slap myself for being so prejudice. What's wrong with you?!? I scold myself in my mind as I enter a twenty-four hour diner shop. I take a seat in the booth at the back. A woman in her late fifties walks to me. She had vibrant red hair, with really heavy make-up. She wore a bright yellow waitress dress, something you would see in the seventies or something. She was smacking her gum as she asked what I would like.

"Can I just have a chocolate shake?" I ask sheepishly.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." She says in a thick southern accent. I smile and nod, she walks away, giving her order to the cook. I need to think. Where would Justin be? Is he still with everyone at the club? Or is he...I don't know, where else could he be?

"Here you go sweetcheeks." The waitress smiles and sets down the cold glass cup in front of me. I thanks her and she saunters off to another customer. I take a sip of my shake, it felt good sliding down my throat. But what the hell am I doing here? I'm here a fricken diner, when my boyfriend could be possibly dead!!

I pull the glass away from my mouth and drop a five dollar bill on the table. I say goodbye to the waitress and run out. The minute I walk out, I trip on my shoelaces. I curse under my breath and kneel down to tie my laces.

"Stupid laces..." I grumble as I double knot them.

"You should have bought the ones without laces." A voice says behind.

"That's exactly what my boyfriend said." I say, still not facing him.

"Where is he, you shouldn't be out here on your own." He says concern.

I break down crying, I know I shouldn't be out here alone. I wouldn't have to be out here if Justin wasn't dead, missing

"What's wrong? Was it something I said." He asked nervously.

"M-my boyfriend is missing. Well, actually, he might be dead..." I whimper and start to cry harder. The guy places a hand on my shoulder and helps me up. I can't see his face, he's wearing a baseball cap. Oh no, what if he's a rapist?!? What if he's gonna mug me?!? Or worse...

But instead or raping me or mugging me, he hugs me. I was a little shock since I just met this person and I don't even know his name. He pulls away and cups my face with his hand. I freeze, was he gonna kiss me?

"Who says I'm dead? I'm right here." He whispers and smashes his lips into mine.

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