Part 9

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Ryan and Chaz were at the door and right behind them was Usher, I clenched my teeth and welcomed them in.

"JUSTIN I MISSED YOU BUDDY!" Chaz squealed, oh brother. Ryan man-hugged me and sat on the couch. Usher greeted me with a nod and stood by the door. He looked over his sunglasses and raised an eyebrow at me.

"May I help you?" I asked kinda harsh.

"We need to talk JB." He said, I nodded and we walked to the living to join Chaz and Ryan who already helped themselves to my Xbox and played COD.

"Who's at the door Justi-" Kat walked in and saw Usher she ran back to her room, I sighed.

"You see what you did? You scared her." I said through my clenched teeth. He gave me a apologetic look and leaned forward towards me.

"JB, I came here to talk about the tour." Usher said.

"There's nothing to talk about, I'm not leaving and that's final." I protested.

"Wait Justin, let me finish. The crew and I realized you do need to relax and be a normal teenager." He exaplained to me.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yeah man, we've been stressing you out, and I came here to apologize to you and Kat, could you go get her?" He asked. I nodded.


I really was sorry, I acted like a selfish jerk towards them and I needed to apologize. I heard Kat scream and Justin telling her to let go of something. Selena was yelling at Justin to let go of her but Justin told Selena I was going to apologized. Minutes later Kat was slung over Justin's shoulder thrashing around, she dug her nails into the doorframe which entered the living room. Once she got closer to me she was screaming bloody murder. Justin sat her down and she tried to make a run for it.

"No, Justin. Ugh...Let...Me..Go..." She growled as Justing caught her by her waist and sat on Justin's lap. She began to breathe fast, What was going on?

"Kat, breathe. He's not gonna hurt you, he came to apologize." Justin said rubbing circles on her back. I feel so bad I made Kat feel this way. Once Justin got Kat to settle down, they both turned to me and were ready to hear me apologize.

"Justin, Kat, I'm sorry I was acting like a jerk to you guys, I've been as stressed as you been Justin. I'm sorry for yelling at both of you at the mall and I'm sorry for lashing out on you on your first day here Justin." Justin nodded in forgiveness but Kat didn't say anything.

"Kat, do you have anything to say to Usher?" Justin asked her as if she was a little girl. She whispered something into his ear. Very mature. He nodded and then kissed her.

"Kat says she's forgives you but she isn't ready to talk to you until she's comfortable being around you." Justin said. I nodded my head in understandment and got up from the couch.

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