Part 10

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"She has..." The doctor's voice trailed off.

"SHE HAS WHAT?!?!" Selena and I yelled at the same time.

"Calm down Mr. Bieber and Ms. Gomez, it's just 48 stomach-flu but her period made it worse." The doctor explained, I blushed slightly and Selena smirked playfully.

"So the vomiting is due to the stomach flu and the cramps are due to her period?" Selena asked.

"Yes Ms. Gomez, the syptoms for both can be really serious if you have them at the same time." she said. Selena nodded and sighed in relief. I just stood there, looking at Kat.

"Don't worry Justin, she'll be ok." Selena said patting my back, I nodded. I'm so glad it wasn't anything bad.

"Just make sure she drinks plenty of fluids and rest and give her tylenol every two hours or so for her cramps." The doctor said. Selena and I nodded and I picked up Kat out of the doctor's office. I paid the bill and walked to the car.

"Where are we Bieber?" Kat said groggily and nuzzled her head in my neck.

"We're in the car." I said softly and put her in the same postion she was before. She fell asleep in the car.

"So, how is she?" Chaz said looking through the review mirrow, looking at me.

"She has a 48 stomach-flu and her..." My voice trailed off.

"Justin doesn't like saying the word "period" he makes it sound like its a bad word." Selena teased, I blushed and so did Ryan and Chaz.

"Really you guy? You're so immature, you're blushing as if its the first time you had "the talk"." Selena snickered.


"Yeah, lets talk about hockey." Chaz said.

"Or video games." Ryan said.

"Or basketball." I offered.

Or shoes!" Selena chimed, we all looked at her. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What, I'm a girl." Selena defended. We all laughed, and parked the car. Selena jumped on Chaz's back the minute he got out.

"Give me a piggy back ride Chazzy." Selena squealed.

"Ok Selly." He ran around in circles and she giggled. Ryan sighed, and looked down at his shoes.

"What's up man?" I asked as I picked up Kat from the car.

"I really need a girlfriend." He breathed, he can date Adri, but she's kinda mad at me for liking Kat, so she's a no or he can date Victoria Justice, she's really sweet. Maybe I can call her later on. We entered my aparment I laid Kat on my bed but she clung to my neck. I chuckled, and unwrapped her from my neck. I'll wake her up for dinner, she seem really tired.

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