73. Today Show

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Charlie's POV:
Someone once said,

"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go."

I was in high school and I overheard it in a conversation. At the time I was like, haha right. But now, it couldn't be more true. Meghan refuses to text me in fear Jonathan will do something and will only call me once a day. My career is strong and the tickets for my next tour go on sale today. I know, another tour. Jonathan wants me to be busy, busy, busy! The only good thing right now is my album. I put it out five months ago and it just went GOLD. 500k copies? I can't believe it. And I also get to be on the TODAY SHOW, today. I can't believe fans have started lining up last night. That's crazy to me. When I arrived this morning there were hundreds of people lining the building. I was able to get in safely and start sound check. The show starts and goes by in a breeze. They talk about my outfit, songs, album, tour, etc. I know all the business aspect answers but when they ask,

"Who are you talking to when you say, we don't talk anymore?" I freeze. It was originally about Justin Bieber, but I am not allowed to say that. The only girls in my life are my mom, sister, and Meghan.

"Nobody really..." I say and then divert the question away.

Meghan's POV:
Being too scared to text my husband and only call him once a day to keep him safe has taken it's toll on me. I want to text him randomly because I'm bored or to text him about current events. But I can't, for his sake. I actually started hanging out with Ben again to keep my mind off Charlie. The first thing he asked me when he saw me was if Charlie proposed. Wanting to keep this a secret, I said no. And that's how we started hanging out. We would text each other or go have pizza or some other little things. It really helped. Well, until I would see the ring on my nightstand. Am I cheating on my husband by hanging out with Ben? I can have guy friends right? I don't know anymore. Ben texted me earlier if I wanted to hang out but I said no. All I want to do is stay home and relax. I haven't been feeling to well either, so I don't want to get him sick. "Dr. Ryan" thinks I have the flu because I started throwing up. I don't care as long as it goes away. After Ben texted me, I just stayed in bed and watched TV. I was flipping through channels when one caught my eye.

"Stayed tuned for Charlie Puth!" The announcer exclaimed. I nearly lunged at the TV. Charlie is on TV! I get to see him. I sit back in my bed and instantly regret moving. I run into my bathroom and start throwing up. And to top it all off, I think I'm bloated. I walk back to my bed and snuggle into my covers. When Charlie comes on, I listen intently for any sign that he might miss me or anything, but it never comes. I guess it's for the best though, never can be too careful. I record the episode, too tired to continue.

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