"I'm trying to get the dean to let me move in here but she said I would distract you and blah blah blah something about the dean's list." She went on but my ears stopped listening after I heard dean's list.

"She said I was on the dean's list?!" I squealed with excitement.

"I'm not sure, she was saying something about the dean's list. I wasn't listening bitch was irritating me." She rolled her eyes, as I laughed.

"You're so crazy." I giggled, putting my clothes on.

"I know." She smiled, proudly.

My phone rang as I was doing my makeup in the mirror, I was about to ignore it until I looked down at the screen realizing it was my mom. I quickly answered.

"Hi mom." I smiled.

"Hey baby, happy birthday." She squealed into the phone.

"Thanks mommy." I laughed.

"What are you doing tonight? You better not be acting up or as y'all young kids saying getting lit." She laughed, I laughed right along with her, my mom is crazy.

"Now you know mom. Just going out to eat with Queen." I told her.

"I know my Briana's a good one now I don't know about Queen." She said laughed, loudly.

"Oop, mama you throwin shade?" I asked.

"No I'm just joking, I love Queen she keeps me laughing." She chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, I think it was shade." I laughed.

"It was alittle." She busted out laughing.

"But I'm going to call you alittle later, I'm at work right now." She said

"Okay I'll talk to you later, I love you." I told her.

"I love you too." She said before she hung up.

I smiled, my mom was my everything. I was her only child and she took great care of me all by herself. My mother filled the shoes of a women and a man, taking care of me and I don't care what anyone says my mother is the best mother of all time.

I walked back into the room telling Queen to come on, we walked out of my dorm towards the elevators, the elevator doors opened and 5 guys walked off, being obnoxiously loud. They must be from Morehouse. See, I wasn't a bougie girl but I hated guys who were always loud for no reason and wanted to be seen.

"Ayo shawty in the burgundy pants, can I getcha number!" He yelled.

I continued to walk onto the elevator, shaking my head and rolling my eyes. Some guys really had no respect for women these days. How about you just pull me to the side calmly and ask me nicely .

"Shut the fuck up bitch, she don't want your ugly ass. Keep it pushing!" Queen yelled back, getting onto the elevator before the doors closed.

"You okay?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine bestfriend. Thanks." I smiled.

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