"At work ?" Charles asked.

"No, i'm on a date with my, " I paused for a while, "with my boyfriend." I said but silently cursing myself after. Dammit, I just told Anthony not to let anyone take advantage of him but here I am once again taking advantage of him.

"Excuse me?" Charles asked as if he didn't hear me.

"I'm on a date with my boyfriend." I said confidently this time. I'm horrible.

"Don't lie to me please." Charles sighed, I know he was really upset.

"I'm not lying, I swear. We've been dating for a while now and I love him ." I said. Some of the things I said weren't lies. I do love Anthony, just not in that way of course. Anthony is the best thing that's happened in my life, he's my best friend.

"Bianca, what the fuck! You love him?" Charles yelled into the phone.

"Yes ,I do. Don't curse at me!"

Charles was silent for a while and I started to wonder if he was still there.

"Bia-Bianca, why are you doing this? I know you don't love him, you only love me. Stop lying to yourself and most importantly stop lying to me okay? Please Bianca, don't say that you love him. It hurts Bianca, I love you so much it hurts. I'm so sorry I let you go and I'm so sorry that I didn't leave Ashley but please don't punish me like this." Charles begged.

I began to tear up. Hearing Charles beg was making me really upset but I can't be with him, ever. Actually, I can but I just don't want to.


"No, Bianca. Just meet me somewhere please, whenever you want, whenever you're ready. I just, I just need to see you. I need to know that don't love him okay." Charles spoke, he sounded so upset, it was killing me.

"Just meet me at my hotel, I'll send you the location. I just want to talk, just a few minutes and then I'll leave you alone."

"You and I both know that's a lie. You won't leave me alone especially not after I see you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, I'll try my absolute best to not think about you okay?" Charles said. I never heard him sound this upset, it was breaking my heart.

"Okay Charles, but I have to get back to my-"

"Please don't say it." Charles whispered.

I shrugged, getting annoyed. "It's so funny how I had to deal with you marrying Ashley and pretending to love her while you were with me because you couldn't grow a dick and just tell the whole world that you didn't love her and actually loved me, meanwhile you can't even accept the fact that I have someone else when we aren't even together . Do you know how I felt knowing that at the end of the day you were always going back to Ashley? How would you feel if I were with you but I had to had another boyfriend and had to keep you a secret! It feels so fucking horrible Charles!" I said yelling.

Charles is acting so childish. He is such a hypocrite.

"I rather not do this over the phone Bianca. Just please wait until we see each other." Charles begged once again.

"Oh, so you don't want to hear it right now is what your saying ?" I asked.


"Fine Charles, I'll wait until we each other, tonight." I wanted to see Charles today and get all of this off of my chest. This is how I've been feeling for two years but I never told him because I was someone who kept everything in.

"You want to meet me today ?" Charles asked. I could imagine his eyebrows raising.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I asked mockingly. He should really take advantage of this because it's either today or never.

Finding Love Again (Sequel to TCP) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now