Chapter 7 - "Shopping Day"

Start from the beginning

Looking around, I try to find a good store to start shopping in. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Carter trailing behind me.

I walk into a small store that looked pretty decent. It wasn't one of those big name brand places where all the girls shop, instead, it was close to empty. Walking around I notice that the clothes are actually really nice. I'm guessing the only reason why no one comes here, is because this place is one of a kind and not well known.

I rummage through the racks trying to find something I would want to buy. Maybe since it's summer, I should probably get tank and shorts. I go to a rack of tank tops and look at them all one by one. I find a white tank top with minnie mouse's silhouette on it, and one with the Eiffel Tower and the word 'PARIS' plastered on the front.

The Paris tank reminds me of the trip dad promised me before all this craziness started. I bet that vacation is down the drain. I should probably bring it up the next time we talk.

I grab both hangers with the tops attached to them and walk over to the shorts section.

"Aren't you rich or something?" Carter's voice spoke.

I look to see where the voice came from. I find Carter at a rack of clothes a couple of feet away.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask curiously. I face Carter and raise my eyebrows. I completely stop what I'm doing and cross my arms.

"Well. . ." he starts off, "why don't you shop at those expensive stores?"

"I don't need clothes that are hundreds of dollars! I'm fine with regular shirts," I shrug.

I grab a pair of maroon shorts. I observe it on the hanger. Not too short, but not too long. It's the right size.

"Colorful shorts?" Carter mumbles.

"What? They're my favorite color," I defended myself.

I took everything in my hand and walked to the cash register. The worker was a red head girl around the age of 25.

"Hello, did you find everything alright?" The worker asked.

I nodded and said yes in response. The woman scanned the three items and pressed some buttons on the cash register.I payed thirty dollars and grabbed the shopping bag.

"Thank you," I say.

"Have a nice day," she responded.

Carter and I walked out of the store and out into the fresh air.

"Are you done shopping?" He chatted.

"Nope," I told him.

I turned right and continued searching for a store. Off in the distance I spot a jewelry and accessory store. I hurry on over to the place as Carter trailed behind me.

The store was one that I usually see at all malls. Gemma's. There was about fifteen people inside. I was about to walk in, but Carter held my arm.

"Wait, I'll go in first." He told me.

I took a step back. Carter walked in the store casually and then I followed behind.

"Stay close to me," He whispered.

"It's just teenage girls around." I whispered back.

"Trust no one." He mumbled.

With that, I stayed close to Carter.

I looked around and saw a section with fake glasses and sunglasses. I want to get shades like Carter so I will look authentic as well.

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