So you have a hand fetish

Start from the beginning

"Hey Elsa, I'm still open tonight." Eugene flirted. God, couldn't he get the hint by now? Hopefully, he was just teasing me by this point in life.

"Actual Eugene I have to ask you something." I declared as I tapped my fingers on the desk. For some reason, I was just in a really happy mood.

"Oh, whatever could it be?" He teased, looking up at the ceiling. God, what a goofball.

"I'm serious!" I laughed. I just needed him to listen to me for at least one second. This was a very important question and I had to know the answer.

"Okay, shoot." Eugene smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Did you really mean what you wrote?" I questioned, slightly furrowing my eyebrows. He cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head.

"What did I write?"

"The note to Hiccup?" I answered. Come on, he couldn't be that forgetful, could he? It was a note... That he wrote!

"Oh that. Uh, yeah."

"Really?" I grinned excitedly. Oh my gosh! This was great news! No, wonderful news! Maybe Hiccup and Eugene could be friends and not have to deal with those awkward moments.

"Yeah. Rapunzel and I were talking last night and she told me I needed to say I was sorry. I really have felt sorry ever since I did it, but I never knew how to tell him." Eugene shrugged.

"Aww, Eugene! How sweet!" I awed, wanting to give him a hug. Ugh, this just made everything perfect!

"You can't tell anyone about this, okay? It could ruin my whole reputation." Eugene quickly whispered. So that's where Rapunzel got that. Couldn't he stop thinking about his reputation for one second?

"Ahh, we wouldn't want that." I smiled.

"Well a fake reputation is all a man has." Eugene smirked. No kidding. Soon we had to get with our partners and look over what we got wrong on yesterday's assignment. Rapunzel grinned and skipped over to my desk.

"Well, we didn't get any wrong!" Rapunzel smiled, waving the paper around. I was glad to have Rapunzel as my partner. She wanted good grades just like me. It's soo annoying having someone who couldn't care less.

"Ya. Did you hear about the good news?" I asked.

"What news?" Rapunzel asked.

"Eugene wrote Hiccup an apology note!" I whispered. I looked and saw her face in extreme happiness.

"Itoldhimto!" Rapunzel squealed quickly.

"What?" I asked.

"I told him to!" Rapunzel said slower.

"I knew you had something to do with it!" I said.

"Well, I mean, I brought it up last night but I didn't think he would actually do it." Rapunzel giggled.

"I have to tell Hiccup that he actually meant it." I cheered.

"What? You didn't believe it right away?"

"Why would I? For all we knew, Eugene could have been playing with our emotions. He could have just said that so I would date him."

"You really think he would have done that?"


"Well he wouldn't have. So get that thought our of your head." Rapunzel said looking offended.

"Okay, sorry." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry, it's just that. Well I'm sick of people thinking Eugene is this filthy player who would use girls then ditch them. Plus I kinda thought you already knew that. " Rapunzel said, looking sad for getting mad.

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