Chapter Twenty Two

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"Sometimes you will never understand the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." -- Dr Seuss.

So . . . I've tried my best with this chapter, although I know that it isn't too good. As you know, I've put this book on hold for now because I'm going through some things at the moment. Hope this isn't too bad, though.

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Years flew by.

Was how it felt to Sam.

It might have been only a few days, a few hours even. But it felt like an eternity. She felt as if her brain would explode, due to her over thinking.

Eventually, finally, Sam felt that it was the right time to try her escape. Obviously, there would be a lot more than just escaping, but that was the sole purpose.

Her first priority was to get Carter. She'd been monitoring everything over the last couple of days, and she found out a lot more about everything.

Alice was a great help, too. She slipped into her room from time to time to update her on everything and advise her as well. She even sneaked in some things to protect herself and break out in case something goes wrong.

Sam couldn't be more grateful.

All that preparation was what lead Sam to her current position: wedged in between two massive craters.

There were boxes all around her, but none had a gap big enough for her to slip through.

She didn't know where exactly she was -- she had only followed Alice's directions --, but she was positive that the door was two footsteps away from her.

She could hear gruff voices and a lot of shuffling coming from inside.

Carter was there.

She didn't know what was happening to him, but she wanted to make sure that he was fine and out of this place before her plan was put into action.

He could get hurt further and she couldn't risk that. He had knowingly put himself into the line of danger by first agreeing to go with Sam, and then the second time by coming into this place when everyone else left.

She couldn't live with the guilt if she knew that something happened to him because of her. She couldn't.

She asked Alice if she saw another boy around here.

Alice reminded her that she had told her before that he was thrown out by the dump.

She also added that when she went up to check on him, she saw him get up and leave the area.

She said she guessed that he was getting help.

And she believed her because it always seems that Alice knows what she's saying.

She heard a manic laugh followed by the opening of a door.

"Boy, just keep guessing," a deep man's voice said cruelly.

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