Chapter Eleven

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"Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think." -- Anonymous.

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Early the next morning, Anne came back home. Sam was awake at that time, not being able to sleep. Ian, however, was fast asleep in his room.

Anne had sat for a while and spoke to Sam, only about the incident, how she was feeling about it all, what she's being doing and those kind of stuff.

Anne didn't know about her little trip and the message, and Sam wanted to keep it that way. Sam then steered their conversation to Anne when it got too much.

A few hours later, Anne went upstairs to sleep since she was tired. Sam remained downstairs, staring at the black TV screen.

She refused to think about anything, knowing that her thoughts would wander back to Sally, her funeral she missed, the message and the sign, and Sam didn't want that.

Yesterday, she had gotten a message on the group that all the friends should meet up under the tree. Sam wished she could go, but knew that she couldn't. She didn't reply to the message and had ignored her phone the rest of the day.

To pass time, Sam picked up a book and started reading. The words floated around the page and out of it, but after a while of concentrating as hard as she could, she finally got them to stay on the page.

Nothing registered in her brain, though, but she carried on reading anyway.

Time flew by without Sam noticing.

The Sun rose high into the sky and the birds stopped chirping. Sam abandoned her book, tired of reading, and picked up a paper and pencil that was laying nearby.

It was the incomplete picture of the bird she took in the forest. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

She finished the picture and by that time, Anne and Ian were coming down the stairs. Sam got up and stretched, her muscles tense from sitting for so long.

"Morning," Sam greeted them and walked into the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

Ian nodded and Anne kissed her forehead.

Silence enveloped them. Sam had a feeling they wanted to say something but they were silent the whole time.

Sam placed their plates in front of them and went back to fetch the mugs. She made her own coffee and sat opposite them, sipping slowly from the mug, the coffee still hot.

She scrolled through her social media, not finding anything else to do and trying to ignore her Aunt and Uncle's intense stare.

She accidentally took a large gulp and winced as the hot liquid scalded her tongue and formed a blister, sliding down her throat and burning her. She put the mug down.

"Sam?" she looked up at the mention of her name.


"Are you okay"? Anne asked. Sam instantly knew what she was referring to.

"Yip, I'm good."

"Are you sure? You can talk to us, you know. Ian and I are always here to listen."

"I'm sure, don't worry," Sam smiled.

She looked like she wanted to say more, but didn't.

"Chief Cross said he'll be paying a visit today. He also told me it's fine to go work again," Ian said.

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