Chapter Four

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"One day you will wake up and there won't be anymore time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now." -- Paulo Coelho.

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Sunlight streamed in through the crack in the curtains. Sam's eyelids slowly opened and she squinted because of the bright sunlight. After a few moments, Sam sat up and stretched, reaching for her glasses that was on the bedside table. She slipped them on and got out of bed.

After completing the morning necessities and making the bed, Sam took out her running clothes and went downstairs.

Her Uncle was still asleep, which was different to his usual Monday routine. She made breakfast for herself and just as she finished washing the dishes, the house phone rang.

She walked over and answered the call, "Hello?"

"Sam!" it took two seconds for her to recognise the voice and her face split into a smile when she realised who it was.

"Hey, Megs. How you?" she asked.

Megan was Ian and Anne's daughter. She was thirteen. Megan had left Transville a week before school closed. Her cousin had invited her and Sam hadn't seen her for a while now; she missed her.

"I'm great. Is dad okay? He phoned last night but I couldn't talk, I was half asleep," she said.

"Oh, okay. He's fine," Samantha replied.

"He said something 'bout a mouse. What was he talking about?" she asked, confused.

Sam laughed. "He found a mouse in the house last night. He was a bit shaken up but I'm sure he's fine now."

"Oh. Can I talk to him?" she asked.

"He's still sleeping, sorry."

"Oh, that's weird. He's usually awake by now," Megs said. Sam could picture her confused face.

"Yup. I'm sure he'll wake up soon, though. I'll tell him you called."

"Okay. Thanks, Sam."

"No problem, Megs."

"I gotta go now. Bye, Sam," Megs said.

"Okay. See you, Megs. Have fun," Sam replied and ended the call.

Just then, Ian came down the stairs, looking tired.

"Who was that?"

"Megan. She wanted to speak to you," Sam replied.

"Oh. I'll call her back later."

Sam boiled the water in the kettle and put the milk on the stove. She took out a bowl and spoon and put it in front of him and took the cereal out, placing it on the table.

"I'm going out. I'll be back in about ten minutes," she said, looking at the time.

He nodded, still looking tired.

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