Chapter Six

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"Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got one flat." -- Anonymous.

Warning: Just a little foul language.

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Sam and her friends camp at Forest Hills at least once every year, if not more. She felt that every time they came, it just got better and better.

They had all went down to the waterhole a few minutes after Sally ran off; she jumped into the water, claiming that that was the only solution -- Carter and Chris laughed at that. They had had fun, splashing each other, racing, and lots more until they were freezing and their skin was shrivelled and pruned, not even the Sun warmed them. It was late afternoon when they got out and they immediately changed back into their clothes.

They had snacks, some took a nap and others relaxed. Liv, Cam and Gabs disappeared again. Sam wondered what they were always up to.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful since everyone was tired. In the night, when their energy returned a little, they played a game and told scary stories which resulted in Sally, Steph, Raj and, surprisingly, Brand, to run off, scared out of their skin. The group split up to look for them and after a while, they found them all in different parts of the forest.

Sam and a few others tried comforting them to which Jay-Jay and the rest laughed and laughed . . . and laughed at until their stomach's got sore and they were writhing on the forest floor.

Sam shone her flashlight at them and shook her head. She returned to their camp to gather some blankets -- it was getting pretty chilly -- and clutched an armful of them as she walked back to the rest, who were still trying to get the four of them to move.

As she walked on, she heard some twigs crack and saw a flash of yellow. She stopped dead in her tracks, knowing that it was not any of her friends -- they all had white LED flashlights -- and slowly glanced in that direction. After a while of staring into complete darkness -- except the light of her flashlight --, she sighed and carried on walking.

It's paranoia, imagination. Chill out, nothing's there, Sam told herself and repeated it in her head until she reached her friends.

They had done a successful job at moving Sally, Steph, Raj and Brand.

Sam covered each of their shoulders with a blanket and held out three more to anyone else who wanted. It was quickly snatched from her hands. Sam rolled her eyes at their exaggerated behaviour.

"Come on, guys. Let's go back to our camp," Sam said, pointing the flashlight in that direction.

They reached their camp and Sam immediately went into her tent, trying to find her phone. She found it in her bag and suspiciously looked at it, remembering that she had not put it there, but instead, left it on her sleeping bag. She also noticed that her backpack was closed and neatly placed on her sleeping bag.

Sam scanned through her memory and she confirmed her suspicion; she had left her backpack open and on top of her luggage bag.

Sam gave out a deep sigh and looked down at her phone.

It's just paranoia, she reminded herself, again.

She sent a message to her Uncle, as she promised she would. She threw her phone back into her bag and went out of her tent, joining the others at the fire they had made.

Her Saviour [COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant