Chapter Ten

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"Be happy . . .
Enjoy every moment of your life.
Life is too short to waste on grudges.
Laugh when you can,
apologise when you should
and let go of what you can't change." -- Anonymous.

Guys, check out "The Chosen One: Awakened", it's really nice!

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Sam was still sleeping when the car came to a stop.

Lucas turned in his seat and found that Sam was asleep.

Her glasses were crooked and he had an urge to fix them. Despite their current situation, he couldn't help but stare at her for a few seconds longer than he should've.

"Come on, son. Let's go."

Chief opened his door and stepped out, gesturing for his son to do the same.

Lucas nodded and repeated his actions. Chief opened Sam's door and gently shook her. Her eyes slowly opened and she waited for her eyes to adjust. He fixed her glasses and stifled a yawn.

"Sorry," she apologised to the chief.

"Don't worry about it," he gave her a warm smile and helped her out of the car.

Sam straightened herself and looked at her surroundings.

There was a massive warehouse in front of them, and it was clearly old. It was made of wood that was now chipped and had holes. Some of the wood had rotted away. The windows were dirty and stained.

Sam could see cobwebs behind them. It was situated in the middle of nowhere. The only things that surrounded the warehouse was dead grass and dirt.

The three of them walked up to the door which was -- unlike everything else -- in perfectly good condition.

Sam mentally scoffed. This was so obvious.

There was a broken lock on the door and the chief pushed it open. It creaked slightly.

They walked through the door and into the warehouse. She saw the chief switch a light on and the entire place was immediately covered in blinding light. Sam shut her eyes closed and waited a few seconds before opening them again. She squinted and after a few seconds got used to the bright lighting.

The warehouse had rows and rows of tables with various things placed on top of the first few. Bins were lined up on the side and the only thing it contained was ash. Pin boards and whiteboards were placed on every wall. A few papers were scattered around and boxes here and there.

Nothing looked out of the ordinary besides a mark on the wall furthest from them.

It clearly showed that this place was used and was hurriedly cleaned up.

Sam walked through the tables and passed boxes to reach the wall. She looked at the boards more closely and saw that there were a few marks on them and ripped papers.

She stopped in front of the wall and examined it.

The sign was exactly as chief had described it, and Sam shuddered as she realised that she had pictured the same thing.

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