Welcome To Hollywood

Comenzar desde el principio

"Glasses please" I said turning to face Tabatha, who was still wide eyed and speechless, so she just pointed to a cupboard.

"Thank you" I opened the door took a glass, filled it with water and edged out of the kitchen area.

Jasper followed me.

"Look Mandy, I think I need to inform you that there are certain protocols that have to be followed when you are on my plane" while he was smirking at me.

That did it, I hated that smirk so I glared at him and interrupted, I knew I was being pedantic, but.

"No you look, Mr Jackson, this is your world, not mine, now unless you want me to die of thirst on your precious plane, I will look after myself thank you"

"Are you always this stubborn and awkward" he growled.

"No, sometimes I'm worse, when was the last time you got your own drink eh? Or cooked for yourself, I bet you've never held a dish cloth in your life" I retorted.

"Wrong Miss Smart arse, I'll have you know I've washed up plenty "

"Yer right"

"Right" and with that he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen, picking up a pile of plates he dumped them in the sink.

"But Mr Jackson they are clean" Tabatha protested.

"No matter I'm here to prove a point"

Squirting some washing up liquid in the sink, he turned the tap full on the water hit the dishes in the sink and shot a fountain straight up into his face and chest.

That was enough for me, I burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

Jasper glared at me as he wiped his face with the dish cloth, me I was in hysterics.

Next thing I have soap suds all over my face and Mr Jerkson smirking at me.

Right that's it, I grabbed a bowl that was full of water from the sink and advanced on Jasper as he backed away putting his hands out to stop me.

"Now Mandy this is very childish behaviour "

"Yes it is" now it's my turn to smirk as I dumped the contents of the dish down the front of his trousers.

This lead to an all out war, with water and soap suds everywhere.

Tabatha stood there amazed at the scene in front of her, until Jasper dumped a bowl of water over her head.

To which I gave her a cup of water and we both doused Jasper, in no time the kitchen was a mess and three hysterical adults sopping wet.

After we calmed down, all of us and I mean all! Helped clean up the kitchen.

We all showered, yes a plane with a shower and a bedroom and changed and sat down and talked and laughed at out antics.

As the plane landed and we got ready to leave, professionalism having been restored.

Tabitha grabbed my arm and whispered.

"I hope you stay around, I have never seen Mr Jackson laugh and be so happy, he's right you are one of a kind"

I blushed and thanked her and walked to the door where Jasper was waiting.

"Are you ready"

"As I'll ever be" I replied.

As we went to step out on to the steps, Jasper grabbed my hand, I stared at my hand then at his face.

He must have seen my questioning look as he quickly said.

"I don't want you to fall, these steps can be quite tricky.

As we stepped outside we were greeted by lots of flashes and as we descended the steps more flashes and questions being shouted out.

"See what I mean" Jasper yelled above the noise.

As we reached the tarmac, we were surrounded by people with camera's and questions, I was starting to panic, I hated having my photo taken.

"Are you Jasper's new girlfriend" this was when I realised he was still holding my hand, I quickly snatched my hand out of his grasp.

"Er, no I'm here to Er, sort out a problem"

As the press kept up their barrage of questions to Jasper, I kept my head lowered so no one could take my picture.

And as luck would have it they, forgot about me and concentrated on Jasper, until.

"Are you that British girl that slapped Jasper when he kissed you?"

How the hell did he know that, sure a photo had surfaced, taken by someone in the tea room but it was of the back of me though you could clearly see Jasper.

I lowered my head and went bright red and studied my hands, acting like a schoolgirl caught doing something wrong.

Then I realised he hadn't known for sure, they were just trying to see what got a reaction and that did, Oh shit I had just let the cat out of the bag!


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