A New Maid And A Beautiful Bachelor Dont Mix! :[2]: Smacked by destiny...literally

Start from the beginning

I found a well near the edge of our property, right next the country road. I thought it was perfect.

It seemed small enough, and I didn't know how deep it was so I thought it wouldn't go down that far into the earth. I was wrong. Next thing I knew, I fell hard on my rum. Biting my lip I keep myself from hollering out from the burning pain that shocked through my fragile body.

My brown eyes scan the area, looking over the vegetation that stood about. A grin played along my chubby cheeks when I spotted the bricks stacked around a hole, covered by a wooden roof.

After the pain past, I waited. My arms hugged my limbs while I watched the bits of sun light that had found its way into the well fade away. It had been more than an hour till night settled within it, scaring me as I sat in the damp, murky hole.

I fell asleep there, my body in a ball as I cried. Too tired to see anything clearly. I was found the next morning, my mother in tears while the medics looked over my body.

I remember in my trembling voice, asking where father was. The medical woman didn't even look at me when she turned her head to the direction behind me. Curious, I recall myself glancing to the direction she was indicating, wondering what she was trying to say. Yet, when I realized what she met, I instantly wished I had never looked. From my view I remember seeing his head bleeding badly while his body was motionless. A car not too far from the sight, stood smacked into a nearby tree. I than realized my father was hit by a car, and didn't survive.


Groaning, I roll over to my side, pealing open an eye. I must have fallen asleep soon after Janet had left.

Stretching my arms, I spot my furniture that was perfectly positioned within the room. The walls were bare unlike my old room but that would change once I found some paint to apply on them.

The place itself wasn't that bad, a one room, and two bathroom apartment with a newly remodeled kitchen. The floors were tiled and matched the garnet counter tops, completing themselves within the little luxury apartment. I defiantly had no room to complain. Heck it was perfect for me! I always wanted a place like this when mom and I were barking at each other.

Smiling widely, my feet move on their own as I explored the kitchen and living room. The living area had two black leather couches, a leather chair and an amazingly big flat screen T.V. My mouth practically drooled at the sight of the flat screen. Putting a mental note to hug Janet to death later my stomach directed me to the refrigerator.

The shelves were filled with sodas, along with other foods that I loved. I almost sqealed when I see my favorite foods all lined up on the selves, including steak, wine grapes and above all, pickles. (And you thought it would be something else right?)

Grabbing the jar of pickles, I silently walk to the main door that leads to the halls propped it open. It seemed quit dead than I expected, since it was almost time for workers to come home but I shrugged it off and proceeded down the halls, catching glimpse of paintings along with other rooms as I went along. I didn't expect I would run into something or someone since I didn't see a soul but I did anyway.

I had walked into the firm chest of a man who happens to be heading the opposite direction of me. Thank god he didn't ruin my jar filled with my precious food.

"Huh?" my voice chirps out in surprised when I glance up to the man's face, almost gasping in from shock. His eyes were captivating blue hues with picture perfection pale skin that went well with his black hair. I tried hard not to stare at his body (which was in my face) but just stood transfix.

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