Love Is In The Air

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"He's not my man" I snapped a little to quickly.

Rosie gave me a strange look, then smiled a broad smile.

"You're in love with him, aren't you?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"No I'm not" I huffed, going red.

"Yes you are" she said in a sing song voice.

"Look Rosie, he's going back to America soon, so there's no point in falling for him, besides I won't leave Woodstock you know that, it's my B and B, my life and nobody else's"

" Oh come on" snapped Rosie "Cut yourself some slack, just because others have tried to take the B and B from you, dosen't mean he's wants to, he wants you! not your business, talk to him tell him how you feel, I'm sure you both can work something out, I don't believe for one second he'll want you to give it all up, Christ he could buy a hundred businesses like yours"

"Who tried to take your business?"

"Shit Jasper you made me jump" I cried out.

"Sorry, who tried to take your business" he tried again.

"It dosen't matter it's all in the past, if you'll excuse me I need to visit the girls room.

I stood and squeezed by Jasper and headed to the ladies room.


Jasper's POV

I was annoyed that she wouldn't answer my question, but I knew she still didn't trust me one hundred percent, so I turned my attention to Rosie, who I could see was as exasperated as I was with Mandy.

"So Rosie, who tried to take her B and B from her?"

Rosie let out a deep sigh.

"You know if I tell you, she will kill me, don't you"

"Well we'll keep it our little secret won't we"

More sighing.

"Okay but you can't let her know I told you, well she had a boyfriend once and they were pretty serious, or she was, he was a dick head, turns out he wanted to get his hands on her business by marrying her"

"How did she find out" curiosity getting the better of me.

"Found him in bed in her room with a bar maid, when she confronted him he admitted it, broke her heart"

"I'm sorry that happened to her"

" Yer well it happened at least twice more, but she was more cautious this time in her relationships, so she wasn't hurt as much, then she gave up on men and relationships, end of story"

My god no wonder she resented me, she thought I was trying to steal her business.

"Thank you for telling me Rosie and for what it's worth, I would never take her business away from her"

"I know that, but may I ask you a question"

I nodded.

"Do you love Mandy?"

I looked her straight in the eye's before I nodded.

"More than anything else in the world"

A huge grin spread across her face.

"I knew it and for what it's worth, I know she loves you, though she wouldn't admit it"

"Thank you for sharing that information and for your information I don't give up ever!"

This made her smile again, then her expression turned hard as she spoke.

" You do know she won't leave her B and B don't you, no matter how much she loves you, She'll suffered a broken heart, rather than leave, just thought you should know"

"Oh I know but I have a plan and don't worry she won't suffer either of the fates you described" I beamed.

Rosie gave me a critical Stare and frowned.

At this point Mandy returned to the table, she looked from Rosie to me and back again.

"Alright what have you two been up to, you both look guilt as sin"

"Nothing" Rosie said sipping her drink.

I moved back over and Mandy sat between me and Rosie.

"Well" I started "It's like this, we are ahead on the filming and the weather is nice I thought I could take you away on a short holiday, you know rest and relaxation, anywhere you like, just name it"

"That would be nice, I usually have a holiday this time of year, yes I would like that thank you"

"Great where would you like to go?"

The girls looked at each other and their smiles turned into giggles, before looking at me and said in unison.

"Holkham Bay"

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